💯 % true, all of it, in its. Sad!

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Trump is so arrogant that most of the time he really believes his own " BS". I t's a sad state of affairs that it's either him or "Corn Pop" that will more than like;y be the choices once again. Then again, it really doesn't matter because it's just a "Dog and Pony Show" anyway as we have a uni -party system. Voting is just a way to majke the sheeple 🐑🐑🐑 feel like they are making a difference!!! Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Trump is a phony populist to discredit the neo-nationalist movements opposing the Global Capitalist Elites. He's the very necessary Goldstein character that we need in our Orwellian tragi-comedy...

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One thing I like about Donald Q Chump- ultimately he has proven that the whole Alex Jones crowd is just as stuck on stupid as the Classical Feminazis. Back in 2016, I had Trump nailed as fraud by the end of August. (In the glorious Springtime of that year I actually had hopes for Trump, but they evaporated the moment he began to support the Pentagon.) But it did take some sleuthing to see through the baloney, and my hope was that when, in 2017, after he was elected and inevitably did not keep all those campaign problems, his constituency would hold his feet to the proverbial fire.

That never happened. Meanwhile, following the utter debacle of January 6th, 2021, anybody with two functioning brain cells should have walked away from Trump, and admit they'd been had.

There is no political solution to this Hot Steaming Mess. We are doomed to go the way of France in 1789, Russia in 1917, Germany in 1945...


Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, you are our only hope.

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He’s not even part of our reality

He never got the jab, it didn’t effect him, daily he say “If Biden is running next term and we get COVID your Vax may not get approved, but if I’m POTUS in 2024, your COVID2025 Vax will get fast-tracked”

The entire point but ignored by the cult of ‘paul-alex’ is that when Trump signed the Sep-2019 EO it said “mRNA can never be FDA approved”, so they in March 2020 had the US-MIL take over health-care then approve, now Trump thinks hes a fucking genius

But there is a reason that mRNA could never be approved, it doesn’t work, an its a bio-weapon delivery system, so unless all FDA regulations are changed and FDA becomes the Dept of Murder, they have to Militarize Health care

Clearly Paul-ALEX is a satanic cult member

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Remember "A Fish Called Wanda'? One of the funniest movies EVER. One of my favorite scenes is when Kevin Kline opens the safe to find it empty, "DISAPPOINTED!!!" He then pulls out his pistol and shoots the safe. So funny.

That is exactly how I felt when I read the 'truth' that he was pimping the vaccines again. DISAPPOINTED!!!

My primary reason to vote for Trump this year is for vengeance. I'd love to see him walk into the Pentagon, NSA, CIA, DIA and pull an Al Pacino, "Say hello to my little friend..." and gut them where they stand.

I like Vivek's idea of cutting the federal govt in half on day one. Truth is we'd never notice a loss in 'service', we'd just save money.

I do not hold out much hope of any solutions politically, but I do fantasize about stripping the government to its bare essentials.


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Bullshit 90% of the USA is technically retarded, You want to live in a place led by morality?? Find a new country

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You don't win without AIPAC of cards... Geddit?

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Hear hear.

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... once upon a time, America's father figures were, Dr. Cliff Huckstable, magazine publisher Tom Corbett (e.g., courtship of Eddy's Father), Ward Cleaver, Robert Young (e.g., Father Knows Best). How we got from there, to the Gong Show? Forrest Gump? Al Bundy? Homer Simpson? America's celebration, of stupid? Go right ahead, be my guest. I double dog dare you, vote for stupid people. See what happens. You can't solve stupid - Samuel.

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He's part of the agenda, so they control the masses. A worthy watch is a documentary called Trump is a Zionist jw. He's an actor (hypocrite). Anyone is better than the satanic puppet dementia pos currently installed. God bless you. Jesus Christ is Lord:)

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What if Trump is PLAYING YOU ALL like SUCKERS???? Do you think he is an idiot???? Bahhahahahhaha

Intel Courtesy of your boy!!!! .......>Agent Midnight Rider





NSA.GOV Counter PSY-OPS Division

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“ People sometimes bristle at my refusal to full-throatedly embrace Trump without reservation.”

Let them bristle. They’re idiots.

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March 11th 2024 EV's & Vaccines Will Decide Presidency! VaXXX Daddy & Gas Daddy Trump vs Tesla & Elon Musk (TeslaLeaks.com) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/evs-will-decide-the-presidency-vaxxx

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Lobotomized sycophancy. 😂😂


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