One thing I like about Donald Q Chump- ultimately he has proven that the whole Alex Jones crowd is just as stuck on stupid as the Classical Feminazis. Back in 2016, I had Trump nailed as fraud by the end of August. (In the glorious Springtime of that year I actually had hopes for Trump, but they evaporated the moment he began to support …
One thing I like about Donald Q Chump- ultimately he has proven that the whole Alex Jones crowd is just as stuck on stupid as the Classical Feminazis. Back in 2016, I had Trump nailed as fraud by the end of August. (In the glorious Springtime of that year I actually had hopes for Trump, but they evaporated the moment he began to support the Pentagon.) But it did take some sleuthing to see through the baloney, and my hope was that when, in 2017, after he was elected and inevitably did not keep all those campaign problems, his constituency would hold his feet to the proverbial fire.
That never happened. Meanwhile, following the utter debacle of January 6th, 2021, anybody with two functioning brain cells should have walked away from Trump, and admit they'd been had.
There is no political solution to this Hot Steaming Mess. We are doomed to go the way of France in 1789, Russia in 1917, Germany in 1945...
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, you are our only hope.
BINGO chicken dinner, we have a winner; Which is like why the D-DAY for leaving USA was 2009, after that good luck escaping, just like Nazi Germany if you were a JEW 1933 should have been the slap in the face, by 1938 if you were still there, nobody on earth would accept you, quota limits on Fugees worldwide;
Same now this 'wetbacks' coming to USA is a fucking myth, once the USA civil-war kicks in then clever people are going to be fleeing dodge, only to find out that they should have bailed decades earlier;
Before 2009 you could go to hong-kong or Singapore and open a bank account anywhere get an ATM that could be use anywhere on earth, with no charges
But post 2009, unless you have a work-permit its impossible to open a bank account in almost all countrys the reason the hassle the US-GOV wants monthly reports on all activity of all USA customer, and failure to send one report is a $50K USD fine on the bank, so most banks on earth said "FUCK YOU, USA CUSTOMERS"
by d-day 2009 I mean FATCA after that it become impossible to open a bank account abroad as a USA citizen and have a functional life, now if you go abroad they want you to carry a USA based cell phone and USA based credit card, and enjoy paying the $10 fee to get $10 from your ATM, If you had opened accounts ten years earlier you would be grandfathered in, which is why I say 2009 was drop dead date to escape from USA;
One thing I like about Donald Q Chump- ultimately he has proven that the whole Alex Jones crowd is just as stuck on stupid as the Classical Feminazis. Back in 2016, I had Trump nailed as fraud by the end of August. (In the glorious Springtime of that year I actually had hopes for Trump, but they evaporated the moment he began to support the Pentagon.) But it did take some sleuthing to see through the baloney, and my hope was that when, in 2017, after he was elected and inevitably did not keep all those campaign problems, his constituency would hold his feet to the proverbial fire.
That never happened. Meanwhile, following the utter debacle of January 6th, 2021, anybody with two functioning brain cells should have walked away from Trump, and admit they'd been had.
There is no political solution to this Hot Steaming Mess. We are doomed to go the way of France in 1789, Russia in 1917, Germany in 1945...
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, you are our only hope.
BINGO chicken dinner, we have a winner; Which is like why the D-DAY for leaving USA was 2009, after that good luck escaping, just like Nazi Germany if you were a JEW 1933 should have been the slap in the face, by 1938 if you were still there, nobody on earth would accept you, quota limits on Fugees worldwide;
Same now this 'wetbacks' coming to USA is a fucking myth, once the USA civil-war kicks in then clever people are going to be fleeing dodge, only to find out that they should have bailed decades earlier;
Before 2009 you could go to hong-kong or Singapore and open a bank account anywhere get an ATM that could be use anywhere on earth, with no charges
But post 2009, unless you have a work-permit its impossible to open a bank account in almost all countrys the reason the hassle the US-GOV wants monthly reports on all activity of all USA customer, and failure to send one report is a $50K USD fine on the bank, so most banks on earth said "FUCK YOU, USA CUSTOMERS"
by d-day 2009 I mean FATCA after that it become impossible to open a bank account abroad as a USA citizen and have a functional life, now if you go abroad they want you to carry a USA based cell phone and USA based credit card, and enjoy paying the $10 fee to get $10 from your ATM, If you had opened accounts ten years earlier you would be grandfathered in, which is why I say 2009 was drop dead date to escape from USA;