BINGO chicken dinner, we have a winner; Which is like why the D-DAY for leaving USA was 2009, after that good luck escaping, just like Nazi Germany if you were a JEW 1933 should have been the slap in the face, by 1938 if you were still there, nobody on earth would accept you, quota limits on Fugees worldwide;
BINGO chicken dinner, we have a winner; Which is like why the D-DAY for leaving USA was 2009, after that good luck escaping, just like Nazi Germany if you were a JEW 1933 should have been the slap in the face, by 1938 if you were still there, nobody on earth would accept you, quota limits on Fugees worldwide;
Same now this 'wetbacks' coming to USA is a fucking myth, once the USA civil-war kicks in then clever people are going to be fleeing dodge, only to find out that they should have bailed decades earlier;
Before 2009 you could go to hong-kong or Singapore and open a bank account anywhere get an ATM that could be use anywhere on earth, with no charges
But post 2009, unless you have a work-permit its impossible to open a bank account in almost all countrys the reason the hassle the US-GOV wants monthly reports on all activity of all USA customer, and failure to send one report is a $50K USD fine on the bank, so most banks on earth said "FUCK YOU, USA CUSTOMERS"
by d-day 2009 I mean FATCA after that it become impossible to open a bank account abroad as a USA citizen and have a functional life, now if you go abroad they want you to carry a USA based cell phone and USA based credit card, and enjoy paying the $10 fee to get $10 from your ATM, If you had opened accounts ten years earlier you would be grandfathered in, which is why I say 2009 was drop dead date to escape from USA;
BINGO chicken dinner, we have a winner; Which is like why the D-DAY for leaving USA was 2009, after that good luck escaping, just like Nazi Germany if you were a JEW 1933 should have been the slap in the face, by 1938 if you were still there, nobody on earth would accept you, quota limits on Fugees worldwide;
Same now this 'wetbacks' coming to USA is a fucking myth, once the USA civil-war kicks in then clever people are going to be fleeing dodge, only to find out that they should have bailed decades earlier;
Before 2009 you could go to hong-kong or Singapore and open a bank account anywhere get an ATM that could be use anywhere on earth, with no charges
But post 2009, unless you have a work-permit its impossible to open a bank account in almost all countrys the reason the hassle the US-GOV wants monthly reports on all activity of all USA customer, and failure to send one report is a $50K USD fine on the bank, so most banks on earth said "FUCK YOU, USA CUSTOMERS"
by d-day 2009 I mean FATCA after that it become impossible to open a bank account abroad as a USA citizen and have a functional life, now if you go abroad they want you to carry a USA based cell phone and USA based credit card, and enjoy paying the $10 fee to get $10 from your ATM, If you had opened accounts ten years earlier you would be grandfathered in, which is why I say 2009 was drop dead date to escape from USA;