Wrong: read or re-read 1984. Setting Trump up as the symbolic leader of the "populist" resistance to the Globalists, allows the Global Capitalist Elites to discredit anything and anyone who moves against their agenda. Since most of the so-called conservative right has aligned with Trump, attacking Trump merely stokes profound hatred toward the so-called political left. This inflames the left vs right binary division and will likely lead to civil war. Which is what they want. Having controlled opposition is an time-honored strategy of the Power Elite
If he was part of the agenda, they wouldn't be constantly trying to destroy him and undermine everything he tried to do.
Wrong: read or re-read 1984. Setting Trump up as the symbolic leader of the "populist" resistance to the Globalists, allows the Global Capitalist Elites to discredit anything and anyone who moves against their agenda. Since most of the so-called conservative right has aligned with Trump, attacking Trump merely stokes profound hatred toward the so-called political left. This inflames the left vs right binary division and will likely lead to civil war. Which is what they want. Having controlled opposition is an time-honored strategy of the Power Elite
Yes, much has been written, that Trump is the Hitler of our times an anti-nationalist
Trump like Hitler are/were both ashkeNAZI ( by birth mothers ) their job is to make the goyim hate nationalism and self-identity;