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He’s not even part of our reality

He never got the jab, it didn’t effect him, daily he say “If Biden is running next term and we get COVID your Vax may not get approved, but if I’m POTUS in 2024, your COVID2025 Vax will get fast-tracked”

The entire point but ignored by the cult of ‘paul-alex’ is that when Trump signed the Sep-2019 EO it said “mRNA can never be FDA approved”, so they in March 2020 had the US-MIL take over health-care then approve, now Trump thinks hes a fucking genius

But there is a reason that mRNA could never be approved, it doesn’t work, an its a bio-weapon delivery system, so unless all FDA regulations are changed and FDA becomes the Dept of Murder, they have to Militarize Health care

Clearly Paul-ALEX is a satanic cult member

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The Timeline of Trump COVID & mRNA

2016 Trumps CIA gets Trump approval to build 38 bioweapons labs in Ukraine for developing strains of sars-cov that are genome-type specific, or as RFK-jr said The han-chinese, and ashkeNazi ‘jew’ were immune;

September 2019 Trump approves $100’s of millions of USD for big-pharma to ramp up an mRNA vaccine

Same time in April 2019, Bill Gates hosts the INTEL COVID Pandemic ‘trial run’

Trump has CIA release COVID-19 at Wuhan MIL-Games Oct 2019, by infecting Troops in USA midwest bases who were attending MIL games

Trump CIA’s released sars-cov bats infected at the wet market in Wuhan

Trump bio-weapon lab in Wuhan, said to have accidently released a virus; China gov burns wet-market and bio-weapon labs to the ground

Trump CIA infect Iran Parliament, over 100 officials die of super-strong covid weapon in Iran captital Oct 2019

CIA deploys COVID in cafeterias of all China owned factors in central Italy, the plan was the Chinese girls go home for ‘new years’ they would infect familys all over China; Fubar here is that the girls were fucking old Italian men, some 10k in Dec 2019 died of extra-strong COVID leading to a two year lockdown of Italy, and 100’s of 1,000’s of old people dying; By the time all the chinese Girls arrived in China in January the CCP automatically put them into quarantine, they never made it ‘home’

Dec 2019 China hospitals released official COVID treatment protocols, Vit-D,Ivermectine, HCQ, and zinc; Funny just like Zelenko told Trump in March 2020;

From Oct 2019 to Jan 2020 the “Covid flu” was in all the news in ASIA, but not a peep in USA until February 2020;

March 2020 Trump declares operation warpspeed to rush his mRNA already manufactured a year earlier; Trump releases $12 Trilllion USD to fight “War on Covid” most of the money was used to make 1,000’s of WEF elite leaders billionaires all over the world who would get their countrys to dance to the covid music

April 2020 Trump Lockdowns begin and mandatory Jabs; US-MIL nationalized all USA health care EO NSC signed by Trump National-Guard entered hospitals and told MD’s to “Kill their patients with remesivir & ventilators”.

Trump continues to call himself “Father of mRNA” the beautiful vax, until Nov 2020 where he is defeated and silenced by MSM & big social media (NSA/CIA)

January 2021 Trump calls his lemmings to march on DC and take his government back, everybody that went to DC, or liked ‘trump’ is now assigned for a prison cell, call J6 suckers, raped to death in DC sodomite prisons;

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