For the technocrats’ tastes, domestic terrorist doggies and kitties have been living high on the hog for far too long — particularly given that they contribute nothing of value to Blackrock’s bottom line!
It's already started... The big feed providers have already reduced quality. I thought lab-grown meat used cancer cells for their speed in growth, amazing that was omitted in the Graun. The CDC and FDA have officially refuted this claim (therefore by Bismarck, true) and say they are 'stem cells'... Is that any better?... or are they just squaring the circle?... Haitians eat cats, cats eat Haitians... ;-P
Well written article! Very entertaining....AND you point out both the clear lunacy of the Guardian's author's hive-mind-think. Nothing was reported about the questionability of food safety, but hey, when you are promoting simian-flu-meat, it's all good.
It's already started... The big feed providers have already reduced quality. I thought lab-grown meat used cancer cells for their speed in growth, amazing that was omitted in the Graun. The CDC and FDA have officially refuted this claim (therefore by Bismarck, true) and say they are 'stem cells'... Is that any better?... or are they just squaring the circle?... Haitians eat cats, cats eat Haitians... ;-P
Solyenty... Mmmm.
Charlton Heston knew all about it 😀
Hopefully my pet thrives on chewing the bones of these retards.
Well written article! Very entertaining....AND you point out both the clear lunacy of the Guardian's author's hive-mind-think. Nothing was reported about the questionability of food safety, but hey, when you are promoting simian-flu-meat, it's all good.
Hey, I always say: if lab-grown meat is good enough for the Wuhan bats, then it's good enough for Fluffy....