Vegan lady Hitler - lol.

Of course she's mental, she's vegan. They are always mental (no joke). I treated hundreds as a clinician, they are always the most poorly informed people. I used to work in Portland, OR where there are countless women like this. The MOST victimized women on the planet. Which is why this type of programming is pushed largely through women, and why cities like Portland were slated for all the top tier Marxist social engineering. If you can amass loads of spiteful, hateful women (feminists, vegans, feminist vegans) they will BEG for more government regulations. you know, they wanna see some action taken against all the bullies of the world.

I once had a feminist, man hating roommate in Portland, upon telling me she was going to move out of our condo, ask me for a 'favor'; she concocted a scheme and wanted my help. Her idea was to file a false police report and claim that all her canoes and kayaks had been stolen from our property. I mean, why not!? And then make her insurance claim, of course, and get paid. She didn't even think to entice me with anything coming my way at all. Lol. Just because she's a man hating woman I might comply with her wish....? This is absolutely how they are. They are drenched in victim energy 24/7. They always game the system and use it however the see fit. On another occasion she shamed me over TWO egg shells going into the garbage instead of the compost, for several days.

Women like this are all pathos, no logos. Complete morons. Abandon them altogether I say.

I love how vegan Hitler cat lady just so happens to be wearing red. Interesting.

Euthanize all the cats because we wanna save the animals, I mean....now we wanna save the planet. Just euthanize everything! These are the same women who parrot ridiculous statements like, "the future is female", and/or "If a woman were president there would be no wars." Telling you how uninformed they are. Yes, there's not a single evil woman in the world.

Cannot stand leftie women one bit. they are an abomination to all of life. Weak, tired, erratically emotional, perpetually victimized (masking as empowerment of course), literal retards. I hope that mean around the world abandon them forever.

Great post!

The MP from Canada is equally retarded. The connection between womb and hysteria - lol. Eejit. As if to say, 'bring on the nonsensical, unbridled emotions of women....its for a good cause!' All tools are now 'OK' in ushering in a NWO.


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great post. were there also sane people in Portland? and even meat eaters?

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deletedJun 14
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The minute I see a "Hate Has No Home Here" sign I know I have found someone who hates everything I hold dear.

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OMG poor cats, this lady is mental

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Wouldn't it be lovely if these boys and girls could be transported to an unspoilt area away from we polluting entities so that they could learn how to survive with only their own resources to rely on.

At least such a test would encourage them to get out of their own heads and engage with the real world.

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Isla Libtarda Maxima episode of Extreme Survival, with Bear Grills

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What a stupid time to be alive....

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The problem with our current society is that far too many wrongly educated people think in "intersections. " Unfortunately, these intersections are all made up--make believe. "Historically, climate change scientists, researchers and policymakers have struggled with how to make the vital connections between gender, social equity, and climate change. " Because there is none. They struggle to create a story...just like fairy tale. Their dilemma is that their fairy tale must sound halfway plausible so they use a lot of emotion in telling their fairy tale. They hope to appeal to the listener or reader's emotions so no one engages their brain and thinks through their argument.

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Tonight's nightmare: me, bedridden in a hospital. I am unable to move or speak. The door opens, and the night nurse enters. She is a smallish woman, hawkish nose and glasses. Unremarkable but for her bright red Chairman Mao cap. A smile crosses her face as she approaches my bed, a smallish pillow held in both hands. I can just read the embroidery on the pillow before it covers my face: GOODBYE KITTY...

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Enmeshed in her teeth.....that evening's kale, staring at you grimly.

Great post.

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Wildly emotional’ Climate Change™ lib goes full *Retard intersectional feminist

*You forgot “Retard”

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We can see where this ends: culling of cocks for climate change (tm),


Dionysian dog decimations for Diana (virgin goddess of the hunt)

and, possibly

Pounding pussies to pusillanimous putrefaction, for The Planet!

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Ben you are the main website I subscribe to because I love your sarcasm and unusual tongue-in-cheek type of humor. That video you highlighted was sooooo bad I could not go through the whole thing. Until education goes back to actual facts, actual history, actual SCIENCE and stops pushing "opinion is king" - until these teachings change, we are doomed. Opinions are rubbish... Opinions are fodder for idiots!

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Sounds like these people need to spend more time with a bear in the woods. After all that is supposedly safer than being around random men like their fathers, brothers, uncles, sons etc.

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I find it funny they want to reduce the "Carbon Footprint" when they and all living creatures are carbon based.. They don't understand the basics. They fight to destroy the lungs of the planet that take the CO2 we expell and turn it into oxygen. Then call for a reduction of the "Carbon" part of the CO2...LOL... you can't make this stuff up... These people are so educated they are ignorant... I just have to chuckle.....

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“Only an intellectual could have said that; an ordinary person wouldn't dare say anything so dumb.”- George Orwell

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YES!!! I am Proudly a Climate Denier!!! I'm rather proud of it. That means I use logic and common sense. Two things missing from most people who believe the lies of the Government. You are probably tripple vaccinated and 10 times boosted with a now proven Biyo-weapon. Someone who talked down to those of us who have seen the corruption of Government inside and out. If the Government has to sell you on it, they are lieing to you to steal your money, because that is all Government cares about. Please explain to me one simple fact, and how it relates to "Climate Change." One volcanic eruption puts more toxic products into the air than man has put into the air since man industrialized. It's known that there are 4-14 volcanic eruptions per day. But you want people to "go green." To make your electric car batteries the largest diesel trucks have to run 24/7 365 days a year to create open pit mines in other countries. Batteries are highly toxic and don't recycle well. But over look the facts because some unelected bureaucrat told you something you believed without conducting significant research!!!... Peace...

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Are you replying to me? I offered an Orwell quote that summarized your post, agreeing with you that the elites keep getting it wrong. I am unvaxxed and drive a diesel, although I also frequently drive a V10 truck. I am currently awaiting sentencing for attending a peaceful protest a few years ago on J6. You may have me confused with someone else.

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Yeah funny that he seems to be responding to your post with the Orwell quote but perhaps not understanding what was actually meant.

J6 was simply a contrived psyop to push forth jurisprudence and speed along trials and more control mechanisms. There were loads of videos from that day wherein federal police were removing barriers at one point and actually waving people into the area. Also, what, a professional photographer followed the red/blue faced (lol) hooligan of all hooligans around the capitol building while he jumps on desks and what not? Silly. The whole thing was the intelligence apparatus at work. I wish you well on your sentencing.

Even this vegan cat woman video - I give it better than average chance the video is made by the intelligence apparatus. It lowers the bar for everyone for whom it would resonate with, and gets them in an even more emotive state, whereby they can then run out and parrot such nonsense. It speeds up the process of the controllers when things like this hit the internet. Retards in cities like Portland will be gleefully shaming people that don't support NWO agendas, and of course men, because men, bad. The fact that this woman is donned in all red (leading to more reactivity by the viewer) is likely not coincidence.

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My apologies if I read your Orwell quote wrong. It didn't appear to be in agreement when the end words are " an ordinary person wouldn't dare say anything so dumb." I'm not a big Orwell fan so I don't follow his work. If you were at J6, and not a FED then you are a hero patriot and I'm sorry for not understanding your comment. You might try to speak a little more direct instead of using obscure quotes to speak for you... Just my humble opinion... Peace..

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“Brevity is the soul of wit.” -William Shakespeare

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Another point. This is the only site where I truly enjoy what people write in response to your articles. Gives me humor and hope for our future. Many thanks!

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It is simple. She shouldn't be a hypocrite demanding others do something about her wholly imagined "wildly emotional" problem but instead go to the nearest bridge with her womb and throw herself off to feed the fishes.

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