In the leaked call by RFK, Jr.'s son, it seems clear Trump is interested in having him part of the administration. If I recall, the phone call discussed vaxxes in some form; thus, I think the son leaked the call to push the issue into the forefront. If so, he is a true Kennedy and a true patriot. Unfortunately, Trump's ego won't allow him to say he was duped, and it is pretty clear that the Faucis of the world sidelined him. He was weak, and that is a problem. I wish he would have chosen Vivek as VP. Not that there is any real issue with Vance. As I've explained to friends, it is natural that he and Vivek went into high-tech firms after law school. Mom-and-pop law firms doing personal injury aren't recruiting at the Ivy Leagues. Learning that his wife was a Supreme Court clerk had me wishing she was the VP candidate instead of her husband. With his wife's credentials, any talk that he looks down on women is laughable.

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Kennedy openly offering endorsement of CommieLaw's continued sell out of America should leave no doubt as to his wretched character.

He is as Lefty as the rest of the New Woke Generation of Kennedys and it shows clearly.

He would be a disaster as President.

It would be the JoeBamaLaBobby Blob.

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PS I see I have my very own annoying drop down announcing my alleged site allegedly founded 7 days ago.

I don't have a Substack page. I don't even have the app. I can't even post without a sign in link to my inbox.

I have told them this repeatedly, but they keep sending surveys and crap about monetizing the page I don't have and they have been notifying me of new subscribers to a Stack I never wrote for years now.

I never even researched launching a Stack.

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I believe I heard that RFK was trying to make a deal with Kamala which is a horrifying thought and an absolute betrayal of his started values.

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And an absolute verification of his former stated values and ideals, pre Campaign BS.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

The reporting on that suggested that RFK Jr. was doing what should be done by a Democrat--offering the party to get back to Democrat principles. When RFK Jr. accepts Trump's invitation to join his cabinet, RFK Jr. will say he has tried to get the Democrats on board. Trump is a centrist. RFK is left of Trump on many issues, but right of him on others. I think RFK Jr. knows exactly what he's doing.

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I wasn't surprised to read a few days ago that RFK, Jr. had offered his voters to both Trump and Kamala for a position in their government. He approached Trump first and most recently Kamala. I've never been impressed with him. I do, as others, greatly admire his work in exposing the dangers with vaccines and vaccinations.

However, people are naïvé. They believe a man totally reliable and worthy of support by one, single leading issue. While this kind of assessment used to be valid, the overriding corruption of our times disqualifies this kind of assessment today. There are very few good men anywhere today.

The articles I read on RFK, Jr. also suspected CIA connections despite the terrible history with the CIA and his more extended family. I never felt he was serious about his campaign because he's dragged his feet and his running mate appears selected based upon her money. She's wholly unqualified and unfit for office. His lack of interest and sincerity in both qualifying on state ballots and pursuing a vigorous campaign raised red flags for me everywhere. The "leaked phone call" with Trump left a bad taste in my mouth. The man feels slimy to me. Always has. However, I wouldn't be opposed to an appointment in the Trump administration which would curtail the pharmaceutical industry's reach.

The purported "swing states" and all the other typical election histrionics play no part in the election. This election will be won by whichever candidate's hackers can control the voting machines. Mail-in and drop-off ballots will be marginalized if a hacking force can commandeer the voting machines on Election Night blocking out other hackers or effectively nullifying them. I hope Trump's Silicon Valley supporters include some heavy-hitting hackers because we sure know that the Democrats will come out swinging big time manipulating the voting machines as they did in 2020.

I want Trump elected for one reason only: I want the damn borders shut. I want as many of the illegal immigrants deported as possible. I definitely want the gang members, rapists, and murderers deported with a solid physical structure stretching our border. If not physical, then the highly vaunted "surveillance border" better have military units stationed to take down invaders.

Otherwise, I have little expectations of Trump. I loathe his support of Israel. I'm fed up with his rapt awe of the military. I want NATO disbanded. I want our troops pulled out of the Middle East. I want our military downsized to protect our borders and seas only. I want our expenditures dramatically reduced. Any money spent should be on infrastructure; hardening the electrical grid; and building low-cost small houses. Another big expenditure should be massive spending on the mentally ill and drug addicted in this country. Such programs would be held accountable by the success or failure of producing healthy people. The gravy trains stop.

Of course, I'm not naïvé. I know one of the top factions in the world-governance scheme runs the U.S. Hence, I fully understand the U.S. military's role as an enforcer for transnational corporations and entities who use them to destabilize governments and provide protection during extraction of natural resources and assets.

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Yes, well said. Trump is most important to me for one reason: avoiding nuclear war, obviously in addition to shutting the border. Great points about disbanding NATO and pulling back troops helps make peace with Russia. Our military doctrine should truly be about defense, not massive power projection and offense with US troops and CIA in 175 countries. Jesus! Budgets are never trimmed, only rates of increase slowed (if that.) Financial collapse in somewhere on the horizon. I really don't see Trump trimming any spending. He loves debt, right? Financial discipline will be imposed by markets (or States seceding and with-holding wiring of all Federal income tax money) at some point.

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He isn't gunning for them because in Trump's words from before the last election but removing his question mark and paraphrasing ....... there is only the illusion of democracy in the US which is run to suit a small handful of special interests. And everyone knows it.

Evil in high places and Trump is playing an active part in it ...... he is a traitor who puts the genocidal occupiers of Palestine first and last and Americans ........ nowhere.

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He’s busy trusting the plan

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He would be great as "attack dog" Attorney General, but your suggestion of using him in the government at the HHS or CDC could also work. And yes, due to unprecendented cheating, Trump needs all of the help he can get. And if he doesn't know that, he and we are doomed.

See https://gulfcoastcommentary.substack.com/p/the-2024-election-steal-is-already

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He can't talk properly and he once endorsed Hillary Clinton. As for Trump there is no chance at all he will ever give up his glory as the creator of the Warp Speed saving of humanity.

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*pretty sure* bad orange man 'won' by a landslide in 2020...

please tell me how a landslide in 2024 will fare any better, ESPECIALLY given the whistling-past-the-graveyard Rs do in studiously avoiding the subject, much less addressing the problems...

they are already laying down...

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