Why does Kevin McCarthy appear to have suddenly adopted Justin Trudeau's mannerisms? The cadence, the hand gestures, the vocal intonations, the whole nine yards.
(All apologies for linking to a cancerous Young Turks video; it's just for demonstration purposes. You can stop watching when the cringe commentary starts thirty seconds in.)
For comparison purposes, here is the "basic Chinese dictatorship" admirer nepo baby himself:
Personally, I increasingly entertain the theory that these government things are demons who are sent to some sort of finishing school in order to learn to imitate human behavior, which would explain why they all adopt the same mannerisms in public.
Look at those dead eyes and try to tell me they belong to a human.
<image redacted>
Above: The swamp creature Psaki on its new MSNBC show
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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Good working hypothesis, at least. How to test? Holy water?
Perhaps they're possessed. Perhaps possessed by AI (if that's different somehow then being possessed by a demon).