What they’ve been doing to every other nation on earth they now plan for our own. I’m sure all western nations will take up the same kind of policies and declare the same kind of emergencies. Think like the Irish they are all too familiar living with this kind of thinking by their frenemy. The one percent really do want it all for themselves.

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The Democrats want to go full dictator for the NWO they work for!

If they can't win the election,which I believe is the case, they will start getting strong arm.

But they can't win because

The Military Won't comply for the most part & the Republican States will come down hard on Washington. if it gets to this,it will remind me in some respects to the end of the Soviet Union in December of 1991!

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Totalitarians are not known to regard themselves as being obligated to abide by any constitution or treaty. In its contemporary incarnation, the US Government is, essentially, a lawless, rogue entity.

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In simple terms,the BRICs are destroying the NWO Financial System of Money Created out of Thin Air. A system that formerly dominated world trade.The Central Bankers are desperate to hold on to their Financial colonies in the west! Western Europe may be going broke & the Bankers seek to keep control of North America & have told the Democrats to hang on any way thry can!

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Very specific narrow exceptions, like "the natives are sick of us raping their wives and are at the gates with pitchforks."

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What could possibly go wrong?

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Banana Republic. Always has been and firebombing and napalming and nuking and MOABing the world were proving grounds projects. Now, the Jewish State of Murdering Maiming Starving Occuping Palestine is yet another Wailing Wall White House project.

So. Shoot those Bonus Soldiers or four dead in Ohio or the Move group in Philly.

It just is the continuing criminal enterprises of the Century of the Jew.


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You are a real Douce Bag!

Scum like you belong in a septic tank.

But for what it's worth, The Globalist Central Bankers are almost completely Anglo Saxon & White High end Protestants

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"...It emphasized strict oversight and the need for authorization BEFORE collecting U.S. person information."

Circa 92ish when I was learning to be a SIGINT analyst for the Army, we were given 'blocks of instruction' with tests about the laws, regulations, and restrictions around intelligence collection.

Most of that was fire and forget, get briefed, take test forget. One thing that stuck was it was completely verboten to collect on "US Persons". Career ending, go to jail kind of verboten. There were discussions about what defined a US Person--including corporations or ships

I do not know when this 'BEFORE' was added--and I don't think this is the same directive --I think this was something about intel oversight--so I could be WAY off--but this seems truly creepy. The first directive mentioned is 2016 when it reads 'before' implying in the language that collection against US Pesons, while requiring senior leader approval, was the way we had been doing business for some time.

This article is about 'lethal force' I know, but I think the change in legality to collect on US Persons (my original training when you get all these briefings at one time, was in early 90s and late 90s--still, mostly pre-internet, at least as we know it today.) is the critical first step in this devolution. Once the govt gave themselves permission to read collect on Citizens, we were no longer Citizens to the govt. We were potential adversaries. Lethal force is expected against adversaries.

We need a SECDEF to do to the Pentagon what RFK Jr would be as Director of CIA or Dr Casey Means or Calley Means would be as head of FDA. Someone to reign in this monstrosity.



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The U.S. military helped develop and deploy the mass-kill, liability-free "emergency countermeaures" in 2021, and Pfizer was one of the top ten defense contractors. How many millions have they injured or killed already? insidedefense.com/share/216252

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