A line from Trump's inaugural speech: "for many years the radical and corrupt establishment has stolen power and wealth from our citizens"

News flash, Trump-- its not just the political establishment. Its the tech bros and pharmakia cabal, too.

We see it. Do you?

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Cures for cancer exist right here on Substack so go fn VIRAL with that miracle

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Trump is still a cannibal capitalist

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Trump is a traitor.

That was obvious in his first term when his zionist puppet masters were openly arming the US regime in Kiev installed by zionist Nudelman and her puppet "president" Obama in place of the democratically elected government and installing labs to test a DNA based weapon to use against Slavs, including the Ukrainians themselves of course who are Slavs. Over one million dead Ukrainians, tens of thousands of dead Russians and millions maimed on both sides all thanks to weapons supplied to murder innocent civilians in the Donbass by Trump.

That was obvious when he ordered the murder of peacemakers on the way to peace conferences. As the good book says "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God" ...... so what does that make people who order the murder peacemakers and what does it say about those that carry out such illegal orders? The US constitution forbids such extra-judicial murders of anyone.

That was obvious when he went along with "Operation Warp Speed" that Fauci and fellow zionist chums had dreamt up years earlier as it turned out and the production of the "beautiful vaccines" that neither Trump nor any of his equally traitorous family went within a mile of but still recommend you take, though he isn't forcing it into your arm ..... yet.

That was obvious when he didn't pull US troops out of a single one of the 800 bases and counting that the US has inflicted on countries around the world the vast majority of which are in direct opposition to the will of the people in those countries and are in direct opposition to the constitution that he swore to uphold.

That was obvious when he said US troops were in Syria to "steal the oil" in direct contravention of the US constitution that forbids such actions.

That was obvious ......... the day he was born.

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You might be missing some things

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He "did it" because he is so cleverly conning those on the right that have not yet been sucked into the beast system. Despite all of the triggering terms (mRNA, vaccines, etc.) and characters (Altman, Ellison, Elon, Thiel, etc.), people just don't seem to want to see it no matter how many times you smear their noses in it.

Enjoy the Show and Stay Human

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From my view, that's the left

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He likely did it to look proactive in light of the tsunami of new cancer diagnosis on the horizon. Tech bros always look to capitalize on the healthcare sector, and with their empty promises to cure cancer comes lots of $$$.

As a young healthcare professional who worked with cancer patients for many years , I quickly learned how oncology treatments are full of empty promises, complications and pain.

Watching patients suffer & even die from their ‘treatments’ affected me so much that I decided if / when faced with my own dx of cancer I would refuse sx , radiation & chemo … & already have.

Stargate will be more of the same.

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I think the Stargate thing might be Trump's way of trying to keep up with China on the A/i issue. However, this is definitely the wrong way to go about it.

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Sounds like a fantasy what they are trying to do they are control freaks.

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Miracle cancer cure to profit from the cancers induced by the miracle covid cure

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Everything has a price. Especially a presidency.

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Can’t agree with you on this one. I’m a Trump supporter and he didn’t lose me. I’d rather the US be the leader in this tech, where it might be subject to control, rather than China where it definitely won’t. Besides, no Trump supporters are going to take any mRNA drugs developed by this cabal anyway.

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That's pretty much my take. Not a lot of positive alternatives that are realistic, imo. And the tech is going to move forward regardless, there's too much money floating around for it not to. And no, not doing any mrna here either.

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Every single technology that China has come from the USA. I don’t for one minute think China is ahead of the NWO military task force. Not for one minute.

Sure, they have better airports.. they built them airports with our technology.

Their social credit score system is our technology.

The world is a stage and we get watch and guess and assume oh so much.

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That's because they already took the warp speed vaccines.

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The HO withdrawal is a smoke screen. Plandemic ebforcement is deyermined my UN 196 countries are bound by the treaty. When Trump leaves UN, I will see daylight. For now, its another Conn by the grifter.

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You worry too much. It's all about changing the narrative and keeping the news/media/intel/globalists bastards unbalanced. I read your headline and this song popped up in my noggin: "Why Did You Do It?" - just awesome: https://youtu.be/smg2S8CssQU

and the gobsmacking back story of betrayal : https://youtu.be/mjn7ELNVJB0

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Agreed. I think he is shining a light on Altman and Ellison. Now everyone is talking about this and the details are ever changing. Musk is arguing with everyone about funding and it’s a cluster. I’m going to take the wait and see approach.

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Let’s pint out the elephant 🐘 in the room: Trump is owned, and America is run, by a bunch of Rapture-happy Jewish Zionist monsters whose stated goal is to enslave or eliminate all “goyim” (the rest of us), so their sick god can descend and take the off to heaven once the word has been destroyed.

The techies have their transhumanist/space aliens spin on this, but the bottom line winds up being about the same for the rest of us. If we allow it to happen.

The techies and the Zionist bankers control fabulous sums of money and basically run the system (because too many of us going with where ever they lead us). Trump is ALL about the money and using the system to his advantage. So he agrees to be their puppet for the appropriate opportunities and rewards. And he gets his, like the Judas goat who leads his fellow herd mates into the slaughter house and onto the killing floor before being taken aside, given a treat, and brought to the next pen where he will betray his kind once again.

Orange Jesus is NOT our friend. Nor does he love his country. He loves only himself and material wealth. A true leader would be working to stop the encroaching global dystopia that is AI. Tru just wants to”beat the Chinese to it”. To what? To hell. Is that a race the rest of us really want to win? Is it a race that should even exist?

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isn’t both Trump’s daughters married to Jewish men?

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Trump has been blackmailed to keep Barron(sic) safe for the Kingdom to come

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But he does tend to respond to actual writing or talking to him. He does like tech.

Because he is a business man (we need that right now) he is very good and bringing in and listening to many sides. I'm still wondering what buggy talked about, nothing good, I presume. Keep your enemies close, gotta know what they are up to, right?

Trump also likes a promising business deal. He's going to have to listen to the people and real advisors to swim through everything coming down the line.

He did not mandate-nobody has to have it. He did not ban it either. We'll keep sharing stories and data. I think he doesn't want to alienate anyone- good business strategy.. except those known enemies. Stay far away.

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Ellison looks sickly.

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Hey dumbass, what makes you think Trump knows.

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