We might just see how “fragile” she is. Maybe Asian American professors don’t count because they are not black brown or indigenous, so she didn’t seem to feel the need to credit them, much less “check in” with them. At any rate, I am sure she will get their feedback as to how she is doing in court. Delicious!

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Is there any doubt... Can there be any doubt that this DeAngelo woman is an unabashed sadomasochist? No really, I feel I've just read some degenerate masochistic fantasy! - Which explains a lot about the explicit degeneracy of our post MKULTRA, mainstream, top-down, "western" culture.

The only things that I can say I know for certain now, are that this godless, disgusting, awful shit show called "western civilisation", must be brought down and destroyed, come what may!

A new socio-economic societal structure for peaceful co-existence amongst and between (the inevitably rising) tribes is EASILY within our grasp. - We are, when not being led into infantile dependency, an eminently adaptable species, capable of recognizing what is in our own best interest and acting on that. And because the Best Interest of all who choose to end the insanity of the current world order, is served by cooperative efforts, so peaceful outcomes are more or less baked in. Together we will quickly find that out or we'll quickly fall And WE will find out how to maintain our peace, or we will fail and our species perish. And what will be will be.

And I know that the sun will rise tomorrow, whether you and I are here to witness it or not. 🙏

From sadistic Genocide in Gaza, to meat-grinder warfare on Russia's doorstep - and on and on, around the world - to degenerate, sadomasochistic grovelling of the most debasing nature passing for academia, being force-fed to entire populations in "the west" and inside squatter-"israel", the Dark Soul of a unabashed Death Cult can be seen by all sentient beings for exactly what it is.

It's time Now for an international Compliance Strike! Time for Mass Civil Disobedience and Non-Cooperation with this entity that claims a right to rule over us, despite that it has no true mandate.

How about a Mass, Global Sit Down on Al Aqsa Flood Day, this coming 7th October??? No work. No participation. No Cooperation. To break "the state" of things!!

Oh, and if you haven't yet put some food in the ground/containers, and other necessary things, that's where your cooperative associations come into play.

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My dentist told me that decades ago she went to a "minority studies group" at her prestigious new england U. When she walked in she was met by shocked and puzzled faces. "Sorry honey," she was told, "you the wrong minority." My dentist is of Chinese descent.

For the same reason, Dr. AntiRacism will give this kerfuffle a good leaving-alone.

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When someone doesn't let you comment on their video you know they can't defend their arguments and she doesn't allow comments on her YouTube video so she clearly has very fragile arguments. Case closed.

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She's a fraud and a pig. I live in the PNW and it 2020 our local chamber of commerce invited her to keynote an annual meeting. I couldn't believe it, but so much of govt and big biz bought into the entire anti-racist fraud in 2020--many remain in this cult of self-hatred.

When I confronted the board about this, it turned out that one of the board members had been her divorce atty.

So, Robin married and had a daughter. Then became a lesbian and divorced her husband. Do not know if her daughter stayed with her in the newly liberated lesbian lifestyle (check that for alliteration), or stayed with dad. Years later, she dumps the lesbian lifestyle to marry a male again. Gotta be a caricature of the beta-male.

So this lady cannot determine her own sexual interests--is the person who lectures us about being white. She's such a fraud. But her acolytes will not hold her accountable and will vote for Kamala with enthusiasm.


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How not surprising. There is always some psychological reason why you make it your life's work to struggle so hard to seem righteous. Reminiscent of the gay-bashing priest who molests little boys and secretly visits glory holes.

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Robin de Angelo is the poster child for the batsh*t crazy, post-Menapausal Leftist women (which they cannot define).

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Love it 😍. Best BD gift ever 🎂❤️❤️

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happy bday

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Thanks 😊

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DiAngelo can't help it. Her white fragility made her do it. Lol.

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Sorry, that’s all I got

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The Washington Beacon? Jesus, worse than fish wrapping digital paper.

Oh, the dirty AmeriKKKans on both sides of the polluted manure pile -- re-pubic-can'ts and demon-crats.

We could go on and on and on about the liars at the Poison Ivy League and the other universities. I've had West POint graduates plagiarize simple essays in an Army writing program I ran years ago.

So, the dirty Jewish Supremacists and Dirty AngloSaxon KKK lovers, well well, just kick yourself down the road.

Can't wrap your heads around the dirty dirty history of the UnUnited $nakes of AmeriKKKa? Well, then attempt to go after the people of color so you white ghouls can circle jerk with another one of your perverts -- Graham, Trump, Biden, whomever.


Florida Republican congressional candidate Anthony Sabatini is not afraid to trumpet his resume, including his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida, where—according to his LinkedIn, Legistorm, Wikipedia, law firm, and Timeshare Information Center bios—he graduated with honors, magna cum laude.

But Sabatini’s honors thesis—a 2012 treatise on the political legacy of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, titled “A Profound Logic of The Blood”—is wildly plagiarized.


Century of the Jew.


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