Pretty soon, we won't have anything to protect with the Second Amendment so they will get rid of that one by default.

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"...we lose total control..."

Question to Hillary: Who exactly is "we?"

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... trapped in her matrix, she can't rise to a plateau sufficient, to intellectualize her plight. Outside, looking in, Hillary Clinton lacks for perspective and wherewithal to realize, she is in the process, of being diffused. Grip on power definitively slipping, a product of their selfishness and stupidity, the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bushie are not winning friends, influencing people. Fundamental lack of knowledge, of U.S. History, even still to this very day, after the better part of 300 years ex post the revolution, what America still fears most: concentrated power! As such, every problem here in America is always (ALWAYS) solved, by diffusion. Any sign of concentrated power, America involuntarily knee-jerks, to vanquish it; bust it up, pulverize it to palatable pieces. Every aspect of Main Street America's indoctrinated consciousness is dedicated, to diffusion of concentrated power. Rubbing against the DNA of our Founding Fathers legacy, pleading with MSNBC newsies for concentrated power, Hillary Clinton will inevitably be diffused. She is winning hearts and minds, of no one but the intellectual frauds of, cable news. Red wave, a MAGA tsunami upon them, you will bear witness to diffusion of concentrated power on an unprecedented scale, and a bureaucratic deep-state undertow, fighting to preserve it - Samuel.

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... no one who isn't American, will understand a single word written, above. Scant few of us who are, ever will - Samuel.

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Yes. We are witnessing terrible times.

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