... I live in what used to be a tight-knit neighborhood. All the democrat people here, it's as though, POOF, they've evanesced, into their own little bubble. They hide their faces. They don't wave anymore, driving by. They're not even talking, amongst themselves. None of them are posting up Harris-Waltz signs and banners in their yards, like they did for Biden, 4 years ago. Everybody here in the neighborhood posing up Trump-Vance banners in their front yards, they are locked 'n loaded, ready to rumble - Samuel.

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... all of the Trump people, they're so nice, considerate, accommodating, eager to see both sides of an issue. They have barbecues. They have get-togethers. They participate in community events. Happy. Always smiling. The democrat people, uppity, standoffish, hostile, belligerent, anti-social, quick to temper - Samuel.

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And to this day Antifa STILL has not been declared a terrorist organization? Why? Because it is owned and operated by US intel agencies! This is why DJT says the gov and deep state must be shrunk and starved out of existence in the case of the deep state.

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Sadly people in flyover country sat back whilst people were murdered, beaten and arrested for daring to do as president Trump said they should do and peacefully protest a stolen election. He of course said nothing about these abuses at the time and has said precious little since. So the Democrats know now conclusively that these people, including Trump, are all talk and bluster and so they can simply steal the next election at the point of a gun and the flyover "patriots" and their leader will sit and do precisely nothing except polish their guns just like last time.

Unfortunately the American "patriots" instinct to look out for oneself and to hell with anyone else is the strongest American emotion there is. Pioneering spirit, i.e. self reliance, only gets you so far as a nation and most Americans never made the transition to giving a damn about the other person. That film "It's a Wonderful Life" was such a hit back in the 50's precisely because people knew it was how they wanted America to be with people doing the right thing and winning but they also knew that in reality the Potters of this world were running it because they were too worried about their own positions in life to stop them. Even the pink and blue haired screaming banshee white women aren't there for black people, or trans people or for baby murderers or whatever this week's orders from CNN tell them to shout about, they are there to get social justice warrior points ........ for themselves ....... and nobody else.

Americans of both stripe deserve one another because they really don't give a damn about one another and meanwhile Trump accepts support from one degenerate group after another that you wouldn't want within a mile of your children and revels in it. It almost makes one wonder if the GOP only attack him to make it seem he isn't pushing the exact same degeneracy that they are.

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Members of antifa are NOT Americans and should not be referred to as such. If they pose an armed insurrection in our streets, it should be put down by anyone willing to help put a boot to the throat of any antifa trying to destroy our republic and constitution. Pay attention when DJT speaks of "The Enemy Within" and clearly understand we do have an enemy within, in our country.

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Well I can assure you that they are Americans and I can assure you it wasn't them that promised to drain the swamp and then promoted swamp creatures whilst those creatures picked off the people around him one by one with Trump, with all the powers of the presidency at his disposal, doing precisely nothing about it. A very famous book states .... "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." .......... against presidents that hang their supporters out to dry one by one and then in droves in a Jan6 flurry. Yes we do have an enemy within. As Lenin said the best way to control the opposition to Bolshevism is to lead that opposition ourselves. Trump supports the genocide of the Palestinian people and he calls for the shutting down of Americans who dare to speak against that genocide. So much for Musk giving away millions to get people to sign petitions to safeguard the 1st amendment when his future boss is saying that we have no right to criticise his genocidal maniac friends in "his" America.

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"Trump supports the genocide of the Palestinian people ..."


Let me fix that for you; The BIDEN ADMINISTRATION IS ACTIVELY SUPPORTING the genocide of the Palestinian people by sending weapons and lots and lots of cash.

Do you actually read what you write? WTF

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Good one as usual. However, a true Cajun, one who doesn't put up with "bullshit", would have probably made gator bait out of Carville a long time ago and he would be in Louisiana swamp rather than a D.C. swamp!!

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"...Self-important Leftists."

"Self" and Leftists are always present in all but the rarest cases.

When the Leftist sees how phony and selfish his ideas and beliefs really are, if he's a truly caring person, he ceases to be a Leftist and moves on to an ideological base that allows him to not act selfishly.

People are going to fool around and get the civil unrest they are squawking about, and I include some of my Right leaning friends. They're all idiots. Has anyone read about our last Civil War.

And the "self-important" part, is part and parcel of the more famous ones.

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Is a "prepper" looking out for number one any less selfish? America was based on selfishness because when they tried sharing right at the start people starved to death in droves. They found out the hard way that the only way to survive in the pioneering days was to have massive doses of selfishness but sadly when Americans could have moved on from that the vast majority didn't and now revel in their selfishness as "The American Way". How else is it possible that people whose only "accomplishment" in life was in murdering innocents in poor countries on the other side of the planet could be thanked for their "service" by people who would be totally horrified if such an evil person came from China and started doing it to their family. The disconnect in the average American's brain where they can abhor such evil in others whilst giving it a place at the head of the queue provided it wraps itself in the stars and stripes truly beggars belief.

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