Hammer the first amendment and simultaneously get that pesky second one gone as well. Then you have the kill shot and the chance for real domination. Their supporters have a level of willful blindness that exceeds all rationality. They simply choose not to see or know what they are actually supporting. No wonder the Dems have such contempt for the intelligence of their supporters. Perhaps it’s warranted?

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I left the sound off and watched a few minutes here and there a few different times of the DNC. Did you notice the crowd? Many, not jut a few, of their people looked very simple, almost special needs? Especially the young men.

Did I see something wrong or was their a program to put such people forward?

Or are their average people really unusually simple?

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I really think that the vax reduced the IQ of Democrats by 20 points. They act like preadolescents dying to play doctor with real preadolescents.

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Tough luck John Kerry. This clown ranks as one of the most vile, wicked men alive who has zero allegiance to our system of government; its checks and balances, and our bill of rights which was designed to prevent men like him from obtaining absolute power. The fact he came as close as he did to becoming president being defeated only by another pair of vile wicked men, shows exactly why our bill of rights needs to be protected and defended from these clowns and their hubris.

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Yes....great choice of words. Thank you for that friend.

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You shouldn't speak this way about your betters...

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effin insane

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When the seeming leaders are willfully unaccountable, there is Zero reason to obey or defer. Be a Man, and get ready for the REVOLUTION. When THEY allow it to go hot domestically, it will be time. We will not Start the fight but we sure as hell will finish it.

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Kerry is a horrible piece of sh*t. He may call his enemy many different names, but the most accurate name is "freedom". He says it's hard to build consensus. Not allowing other ideas is in no way building consensus. It is building authoritarianism. Why are we supposedly better than Russia? Kerry and the rest of the elite would erase these differences. He is a traitor. Biden is a traitor. Obama and Hillary are traitors. Our Mr Pedo Rogers VP candidate and our street walking actual VP are both traitors. Where is their shame? What lying frauds! What spreaders of disinfo!

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Note the interesting choice of words: "So what you need, what we need, is to win the ground, win the right to govern by, hopefully, winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.” Votes, not voters. Voters are people, votes are political currency. Democrats are doing everything in their power to optimize the number of votes *and* voters.

In fairness, I think he meant to hammer disinformation, not the first amendment. But it fits his world view, so it's okay.

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