Cenk is a legend in his own mind , don’t ya’ know? The bloated bloviator and his sycophantic sidekicks are lucky they are still functioning after all their boosters, let alone take on the likes of Joe Rogan.

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... clever! Devious! Put these two fellows in the ring? Who wins? The answer may surprise you! As it is? Rogan's being baited, into a whopping personal lawsuit, and a lengthy jail sentence. The fat guy's quite right. But, not in the way you might believe. Certainly not in the ring, mind you, the fat-boy could indeed, kick Joe Rogan's ass -- albeit never once laying a finger upon him. Crux of the dilemma, that Rogan can respond, deadly force? Rogan can't legally, or ethically, lay a pinky finger on the fat-boy, not in any city, county, state, here in America. Even if Rogan was deluded to such extent, he'd found another country, for which to put the fat-bot in his place? He'd find himself marooned. Not likely Joe Rogan could ever return, home, then thereafter. The fat-boy is free to flail away. Such is the asymmetry, Rogan is hamstrung, and cannot legally lay a finger on his fat-boy rival, without exercising extreme restraint. And, he knows it -Samuel.

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... when Muhummad Ali was told of his good pal, running back Jim Brown's pugilist aspirations? Ali responded to his handlers, "... bring Jim here! Bring Jim here!" So, that's exactly what they did. They brought 'ol Jim, to Ali, suited him up, invited him into the ring, where Ali gave him a gentle, itty-bitty-wittle love tap, just enough to sober him up, aling his whimsical aspiration, with reality. Brown was shell-shocked! Nearly hit the canvass! They say, 20 long seconds, 'ol Jim didn't know sick-um from suck-um! A little wobbly, the rest of the day. Good friends, Ali did Brown a huge favor. Ali was never punished for his kindness. Could have lost his boxing license over that - Samuel.

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That kick is certainly ferocious. I have studied martial arts for more than 20 years and understand how it can be defeated though I am sure 99% of martial artists cannot and am sure Cenk Uygur would not be able to. (Look into an art called ‘Guided Chaos developed by John Perkins)

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Alex Jones invading the Turks space had a very frat boy vibe and the Cenk Uygur, who has a cat lady vibe. During the lockdowns, I know many young watched them. Blood is on their hands for their propaganda efforts.

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I hope Rogan reads about this and decides to accept (he won’t, but there’s always hope…) and lays the smack down on Cenk. That fat f-ck would fold after one leg kick

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