The whole deal in Washington is a huge Fraud on the part of the Democrats since 1913.

The Republicans in Washington are largely along for the ride.They keep up the pretense that there is a political alternative. In 1913 the Bankers from Jekyll Island took over America's finances thru their political puppets,the Democrats. Since then Washington has been theater.

The Federal Government in Washington has been an Unconstitutional Government since then because it has no mandate to act as a huge Central Government with unlimited powers.

The Federal Reserve Bank is probably illegal as a private for profit bank controlling the nations finances.

The income tax is illegal because the 16th Amendment never gained enough votes to pass into Law.

But it was pushed thru anyway. And these are only the old transgressions, not counting the new crimes of late!

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The UniParty approves!

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Pathological projection is ALWAYS their first go to, that’s how you can always tell what they are doing. They have being doing it forever, long before DJT entered the arena. Their hypocrisy is legion, they don’t get irony and they don’t do facts. We must never forget how much the MSM puppets are paid to clutch those clawed at pearls.

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... the polling people grossly distort Harris-Waltz favorability. We're not seeing Harris-Waltz bumper stickers, anywhere here in town. Nobody's putting up the Harris-Waltz yard signs, in any working class neighborhood here in Main Street, USA. Motley assortment of lunatics going to the mat for Harris are, the limousine liberals, the queers, fringe ANTIFA fanatics, organized crime, the Mexican cartels, illegal aliens, negro women, the mainstream media. Only people swinging naked off the chandelier, blowing party favors for Harris-Waltz, the Clintons, the Bush-Cheney people, Barack Obama's peeps in the mainstream media. Democrats don't seem to get it, that it's only so far a proper, upright American will ever stick their neck out, trusting a bimbo -- Samuel.

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"Not only is my close personal friend an inch away from being tossed in prison, currently on house arrest..."

This makes me mad.

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Trump is a boaster on a leash held by alien folks. His domestic enemies have almost nothing to fear. They don't even need to fear Trump asking aloud about how "our democracy" could have been wrongly threatened in 1941 by an attack upon an imperial possession then only recently snatched from its own people.

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this is now on the _*Minds* platform_

https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1693722408671776773?referrer=flyingaxblade does not lead back to this post.

_Cherish is the new love, be well._ *May God nod to ward thee & thine!*

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Nice read! Correction to the following: "Trump took office in 29016". I think that's a bit far in the future? Oh and nice reference to "Enemy Within".....a great episode of The Original Star Trek!

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