11 hrs agoLiked by Ben Bartee

Rochdale will be forever associated with its former MP, the morbidly-obese Cyril Smith, a Liberal Party member. His memory probably inspired the giant baby, in some Monty Pythonesque way. Liberals in the British political sense, rather than the American one, are posh, upper class Fabians, who opened the door to Socialism and their own rapid descent to irrelevance following the disaster of 1914-1918. The Rochdale, East Lancashire accent is best described by the opening line in a punch-up: "are you talking to me or chewing a brick?"

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs agoAuthor

I knew I could count on you to provide some inside baseball on intra-Britain regional rivalries

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11 hrs agoLiked by Ben Bartee

I hope the children are taught that it’s bs.😡

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I hope the taxpayers of Rochdale talk and sing to their council.

Poor kids - discovering at an early age that the grown ups are morons.

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And how much pollution from manufacuring that two tons of plastic?

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Full blown indoctrination. I presume they use a baby to make sure all the kids will be made to think that as a result of their parents driving a petrol car or eating a burger or thier siblings getting on a plane and going on holiday, millions of babies will die in the climate apocalypse. Obviously, they have moved on from telling us that all the polar bears will die because someone's auntie boiled the kettle once too often for an extra cup of tea after it transpired that the polar bears are doing just fine. Now, anyone that doesn't bow down and worship to the Climate gods will be a baby killer. Nice. These people are mentally ill imbeciles.

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Brainwashing young defenseless children should be absolutely illegal the way it should be ( and is in Europe) to advertise to kids. But the global psychopaths of course know this is the best way to get the future population. They won’t have to change any minds, because the population of the future will never have had any other opinion, other than the prescribed one.

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This is a cult. A religion. No different than the Catholic’s and Protestant’s of yesteryear..

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At least they didn't use a baby to promote abortion...

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We are governed by insane people!

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