Dear Ben, spot on "Founding Fathers, noted domestic terrorists" = true, thank you, Ed

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I say this without malice, but Walz does not look healthy. He is only 60 years old. He looks like he could have fairly advanced heart disease. You would think someone close to him would protect him.

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Tim Walz is part of a large majority of American military members who have committed treason.

Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

All members of the American military take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.

When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.

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