Being elderly and having grown up in a completely different culture, i.e. one with no electronic communication aside from a phone hardwired in your home, I find myself constantly amazed how many people think a true human interaction can occur over the sizzling electronic digital wires of the world.

Funny. Back in the Stone Ages of the late 60s and early 70s, my problem was being hit on too often. Go smoke some weed at someone's apartment? Go to a rock concert? Go to class? Yup. I got all kinds of offers. Even from professors. Later in life when married, the offers continued. I didn't use one electronic or digital hook-up. No...I didn't accept any offer. I learned to be polite and say "no." Life happens. I think people have lost the ability to "be in life."

John Mayall passed recently. Mayall was among the earliest of those from Britian in the 60s to pervade blues in America. Eric Clapton notably played with him. Also posted a nice tribute on his death. Mayall last played in SoCal where he lived (he died at 90) two years ago in a local club. The man who comes on stage before Mayall says [in video]..."Please turn off your phones. Let's stay here in the concert and enjoy the music as it plays." An old guru put it as "Be Here Now."

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Me and my buddies often reflect that if we weren't kids in the 70s, but rather adults, we would have had a lot more interest from women back then than we get today. By the time we hit college in the 90s the good times were over. Cell phones, online dating, and the internet (along with feminism) have utterly destroyed relations between men and women. Sad.

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4

Spain's lopsided socialist-bureaucratic economy is notorious for its high unemployment rate for people under 35. Hence they live with their parents. A meritocracy Spain is not, as demonstrated by the 30-year-old Spanish man who has to settle with having a date with a likely corpulent American "writer."

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hmmm, difficult to tell from bundled head shot, need the whole package to make unfair snap judgments on other's attractiveness...


i don't mind a chunky monkey, but she's probably 12-15 # more than most would like... a little puffy in the face, maybe likes her drinkypoo a bit too much... long hair is nice, but looks dry, minimal makeup which is always my preference, and otherwise regular features... looks like eyes could go hard real quick...

attitude is everything, with winning personality, relatively plain to homely looks still works fine...

just sayin'...

(and, no, ladies, i would not like to be so rudely rated, but i would understand if people did...)

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just to make a few more points about looksism...

The Soft Ones (TM) are 10 times more judgmental, nitpicky and mean about Both males and females looks than men are, and are Not shy about sharing that...

like honeybees back at the hive dancing to indicate where the flowers are, men are barely given to much more than grunts and gestures to briefly indicate a particular female is hawt or naught...

we rarely bother discussing other men's appearance, except as a means of jocular bonding... EG 'Nice hair, shithead, you just wake up?' (probably did just wake up)

The Fairer Sex ?

only in the superficial sense...


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Back in the early 2000s I had the cutest pixie of a girlfriend who I met at work. But she was 13 years younger than me. and even younger emotionally. She like to take pictures of her poo in the toilet to compare with her friends! But she was achingly pretty and sexy and quite a piece of arm candy to drive my friends and ex's nuts. And she was adventurous. We went to a zen monastery to meditate and had all sorts of outdoor adventures when I took her to Chile.

But, as was inevitable, she tired of me. She was nice enough to have an outplacement service: She taught me online dating and edited my profiles for maximal effectiveness. Back in the days of Salon I had some great fun with pretty, wicked, naughty ladies. I went with one to visit her family in the South of France. Another was a crazy twist who made art about famous murders. I wasn't searching for love and I didn't find it but I had a good time.

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Career advice: be a woman. And if you can help it, don’t be white.

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Also, sad to see she is from Mexico, but then Mexico City is cosmopolitan so it's probably infected with the woke mind virus unlike more rural parts of the country...

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Feminism has been such a disaster for relationships between men and women. I'm (still) in the San Francisco area, and I've dropped "dating" entirely; it's ground zero for entitled feminist insanity. Instead, I am focused on writing, reading, meditation, nature time, and I hope to get out of here in the next year and find a place to live where humans act like traditional humans. This will undoubtedly have to be outside of America.

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Per Elon, Business insider is not a real publication: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1744235361725800810

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Her mistake is thinking she wants to have a relationship with a man. She needs to date women from her own dimension.

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how can they not be kicking in the door for a piece ?

dude, that is WAY out of bounds...

without a pic, we have no idea...

as you know, us disgusting knuckle-draggers will overlook a fuckton of chick shit in inverse proportion to hawtness (YMMV)... biological and sociological fact-o-life ugly people try to deny...

all the so-called body positivity' BS does is acknowledge that nekkid apes are hardwired to appreciate beauty..

and it ain't land whales...

if chicka in question is hawt enough, i'm sure she will find a guy who pretends to be what she wants...


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click on the link, there's a picture of this precious bounty there. you tell me

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Pretty but aging. Probably a narcissist. Had lots of chances, blew them all, now desperate.

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You can find various profile photos she selected across the internet. It appears that she is "a fat."

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I didn't spend much time searching. Was she always so? Or did she, out of her entitlement, allow herself to become that way, thinking that she could forever command men's thirst?

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