The hubristic pedo parasite class and their flying machines, they go up diddly up, up... They go down diddly down, down...

As Public Enemy said... Don't believe the hype. Language learning models and robots aren't a thing without humans. (I'm no longer using the misnomer AI, because it isn't.)

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If I may - after the corrupt public official who will have likely taken brown envelopes stuffed with cash as bribery 'tea money' makes an apology and does the obligatory 'wai' gesture, saying there's no way they could have known that the flying taxis were unsafe, he will then shave his head and become a monk for 14 days, and all will be forgiven. It will be called a 'misunderstanding'. A committee will be formed to investigate the incident. Then a sub-committee. Some police officers will be "transferred to inactive posts" (retain full salary). Then another article will come out calling Thailand the new 'hub' of flying taxis.

Full on Blade Runner city by 2035.

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Lol touche. Forgot about the becoming a monk for two weeks routine

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“China is an autistic tech megalomaniac’s wet dream because there is absolutely no pretense of respect of civil liberties or anything like that; the government rolls out a death bot on wheels, and the Confucian slaves applaud with delight at the ingenuity of their masters.”

One of the best worded paragraphs I have read in a long time..touché oh word smith master!!!

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AI is advancing so fast that soon they will construct robot prescribers as unthinking as your average medical doctor.

But will they ever achieve that human arrogance? Will the engineers install a gaslighting module for any who dare question the PharmatronMD2000?

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We're worse than ants...

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...and this is why some variation of Herbert's "Butlerian Jihad" is now inevitable.

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They are programming the sheep for AI medicine already. Newer pharma ads instruct people to consult their "prescriber". Seems doctors are being demoted.

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I know I will go to my grave rest assured that techno-mania will be self-destructing. It is invented by the dumbest animal on the planet---humans.

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