
I'm probably considered an arch-conservative but from a young age I have been raised and continued to live with what are liberal views. Leave people alone. As much as you can. Love them despite their tribe. Love until they force you to stop.

We do work against certain things. We do have limits.

But these people aren't "liberal." They don't want as many people as possible to pursue happiness.

I'm less angry than you but see almost the exact same lies, and euphemisms. Oh man they are now our accepted language.

I really like your last paragraph where you don't cast the father's sins on the son. And you don't need too. He has plenty of his own.

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It's exasperating to see so much Hasbara propaganda lately trying to pin things on implied Nazi conspiraciesz which shows the utter desperation of the chief culprits as their World War 2 mythology narrative collapses in real time on X and TikTok

Tucker Carlson's recent interview with Darryl Cooper merely grazed the truth and it was enough to spin X into collective convulsions of "antisemitism!" Candace Owens has been obliquely mentioning "the Frankists," as well as who the genocidal Bolsheviks-Communists really were and she has been demonitized and had her advertising pulled through coordinated ADL instigated attacks. It's time for people to wake up to the fact that the evil "Nazis" were the last bulwark of Western Civilization against International globalist (communist) technofadcism and the Subversion of Western values (and borders) by the real winners. The Babylonian Talmudic vision of the destruction of the West, their Edom or Amalek, by Kalergi Plan mass migration, domestic woke Cultural Marxist subversion and the wealth and power consolidation of predatory Judeo-capitalism (central banking and fractional reserve banking) has almost been realized https://www.unz.com/runz/why-everything-you-know-about-world-war-ii-is-wrong/


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Wow! Racist much? But, i will check out your links for fun. I never actually thought of Nazi being the bulwork AGAINST globo-tec-whatever. In fact, both are mutually exclusive, sir, imo.

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What is "racist"? What did I say above that is not factually true? I am not talking about Hollywood mythological history. I am talking about primary sources of which I have many dozens that support my thesis. For "beginner's" any of Ron Unz's American Pravda series are excellent to understand 20th century history as it actually happened, because they are meticulously referenced with sources that don't suffer from profound conflicts of interest.

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Under no circumstances would I ever trust my life, future, health and prosperity to any politician.

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There is a lot of it about....

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