"Whether or not to receive a Covid-19 vaccine became an expression of opinion, rather than an informed health decision..."

Normally, I'd write something pithy and funny... but FUCK YOU!

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The same thing happened to my cousin. He’s now fully deaf and his balls swell. 🤪🤪🤪. I told him over & over. Good news. He’s done now. After 9

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The amazing ability (and inexplicable need) of these people to turn one negative phenomenon after another (vaccine damage, obesity, mental illness, autism, adhd, gender dysphoria etc) into something positive. Reminds me of the guy whose leg had to be amputated due to severe blood clots caused by the vaccine early on, who was rolled out to be a vaccine proponent instead of victim. Wonder how he’s doing these days and how many “boosters” (ie additional vaccines) he’s had?

(And when I say “inexplicable” I mean orchestrated and taught from on high, from some WEF-like/affiliated dark corners of the universe, whose ultimate goal is weakening and culling the human race.)

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What? I can't hear you...

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An incredibly sad but instructive story.

Thanks for posting.

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I've wondered exactly as others have. What induces a person who experiences an adverse reaction from squarely confronting the injection as the cause? If someone eats sushi and vomits all night, they likely conclude that they have food poisoning. I think the brainwashing was done under such extreme duress that their brains totally disavow the connection. We all have different levels or thresholds to tolerate stress or shock.

I read extensively in Monarch and MKUltra techniques. One they use in both is to put a baby in an electrified cage. When the baby naturally stretches or rocks and hits the cage sides, they're electrocuted . They don't receive enough shock to die only to be hurt.

I imagine their response, as babies and not understanding why they're hurt, would be akin to the video we've all seen where 15-20 people surround an individual with electrified poles which electrocute him. Initially, the individual hops around trying to escape, but as more people enter the scene with more poles, he finally simply succumbs and remains a lobotomized heap sitting on the floor with his head between his legs in complete defeat.

I imagine many of the vaxxed have been so shocked that they cannot correlate the facts nor piece together a life-saving scenario, and they just sit in the middle of the floor with their head between their knees taking more injections.

Of course, the goal of the electric cages is to compartmentalize the individual's mind--break their mind.

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