The left- their hypocrisy is legion, they don’t get irony and they don’t do facts! I LOVE the sardonic glee when you are writing about them eating their own, it is just delicious.

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The far left is self-destructive at its very core. A key feature is division--even among the various groups which are supposed to strengthen each other.

Who is more oppressed? Mid-Eastern Muslims, Blacks or Jews? Let them battle it out.

TERF wars. The trannies war against feminists.

A lot of gays don't want to include the trannies and complain that they're erasing the plus movement.

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“Mid-Eastern Muslims, Blacks or Jews?”

Sorry, YOU are canceled (and not just for your rude reference to the transgendered community).

While it may indeed be a reasonable question between Muslims and blacks, it is quite racist of you to suggest that Jews could *possibly* be as oppressed as either of the other groups you mentioned. *Especially* given that all Zionists are white racists oppressing the BiPoC Palestinians…

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The sicko racist is you and you are a drooler know nothing polluting a great site with your depraved ignorance and insane Jew Hate.

You people are too stupid to realize God is not kidding.

He will bless those who bless His People and curse those who curse them.

There are people of Jewish descent who choose to be Luciferian and not serve God.

There are many more people of Gentile descent who make the same wrong choice.

Including, clearly, you.

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It's BS, too! They have a story they like to tell about how a queer who hooked up with an underage boy would be ostracized as a Chicken Hawk.

But it's BS. A Fags Wet Dream is a Young Boy...

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It's all such a shit sandwich I honestly can't even care. You don't just casually take a job at SPLC in between gigs. You go there because you are an idealogue disciple to their agenda. And when you find out that agenda is just a costume, to hide the fact that they're the same shitty people doing the same shitty things as everyone else, that's your cope to struggle with. SPLC is not a passive or defensive organization. They are highly offensive and attack and ruin people and things without remorse behind some wall of principle that is actually a transparent facade. At the point in time that SPLC devotees recognize this, the thing they should be doing is apologizing and trying to undo the damage they did under false pretenses. Not begging for sympathy and help. WE ALREADY KNOW SPLC IS A SHIT SANDWICH. Your perceived victimhood doesn't absolve you of any ownership of the shitty things you did as one of their foot soldiers. Go fucking drown in your crocodile tears for all I care..

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I continue to have huge problems with Substack and was continuing to be unable to respond to Donald on the previous thread.

I do get it that no one knows everything, but Israel does have huge problems with African invaders and it is a truism that if something does paint Jews or Israel with a broad brush and in a negative light, it's most likely BS.

Those were the points that I felt were important to make and not to show you up on your own page.

Its just that the Jew Hate is pervasive on the Stacks and since it's 99 and 44/100 Pure Bullshit, I feel compelled as a decent human being to correct it.

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Decent human beings point out that genocidal maniacs are not welcome on this planet. They don't side with them.

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Which is precisely why I don't side with the Genocidal and Demonic Fakestinians and their relentless UN sponsored attempts at prepetrating Genocide on the Jews.

That, and realizing Armegeddon is coming very soon, possibly as soon as Ukraine starts lobbing US missles deep into Russia...

The opening salvos of WWIII are shaping up just as prophesied.

Spoiler Alert: This planet is going to be ruled from Jerusalem and there is nothing you can do to change it.

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Since you asked, no these don't sound like the ramblings of a deranged cult member at all. Why would anyone think that....

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Way too much collectivism and hasty generalization going on everywhere. Not just on the Left. At the end of the day we exist as individuals. Each one of us is responsible only for what he or she has done.

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Meanwhile, in Sweden, they are paying Migrants $ 34K... To go home.

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To be clear it's 34k kroner, which is about 1000 USD. Sadly they're not taking donations to the fund. Wouldn't it be awesome if you could sponsor an immigrant to go home like one of those old Sally Struthers infomercials. "For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day..."

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Shouldn't have let Barbara Lerner into the country back in the 60's then. It would have saved the country a huge amount of angst.

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"Shock, horror, confusion. It’s been sloppy, dispassionate, inhumane. It has been the absolute opposite of what the organization says they stand for and absolute chaos since then"

I want to embroider this on a blanket and wrap it around me when I go to sleep.

Also, I'm picturing a scenario where, ten years from now, the various gulags being run by these NGOs engage in vicious turf wars over doctrinal differences.

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To quote songwriter John Prine: “Sweet Revenge, sweet revenge will prevail without fail...”

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SPLC -- the only lawyers in the history of earth who boast poverty. If you've been hurt in an accident, come visit us in our cardboard box behind the bowling alley to file a claim today...

Thankfully the SPLC's dominant cultural influence went out the window right about the time All in the Family went off the air.

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Love it when the left eats its own.

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But the job of destroying the US from within is complete so what are these useful idiots required for anymore or the talking head "journalists" in mainstream media now that AI talking heads are here?

I predict a simple pattern will emerge that the very few that keep their jobs in the media etc will fit in future and anyone noticing that very obvious pattern will be booted from social media and have their bank accounts closed etc etc etc as always happens to a self-defeated people who let a minority of a minority take over and dictate to them. Look at the UK if you doubt that where again a minority of voters, around 20%, voted for a government that is imprisoning anyone, ...... especially those that voted for them, that dares to hold an anti-regime view about anything.

The people of India are still suffering thousands of years after the people from the North came and created a religion that made the Indians all slaves of the Brahmin and that is what lies in store for the people of the West under this rancid little minority of a minority regime un less it is thrown off and the perpetrators arrested.

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