... Dr. Anthony Fauci has proven but one thing his, illustrious career: "... give the jerk a high salary early in life? He is free to be a jerk, the rest of his natural life - Samuel.

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Aug 24Liked by Ben Bartee

This bum is a turd. Ignore him the next time he spins his evil deathology during the next fake pandemic.

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Thank you for keep this horrible story in the foreground. It’s weird that some will react more viscerally to dog torture than to child abuse and baby killing but whatever it takes to expose these atrocities and never forget. I believe theres a special place in hell reserved for “Dr” Fauci.

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Yes, thank you from the heart.

This bastard doesn't deserve anything but a quick death, I'm a dog lover and this is disgusting as can be!

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Those who kill don't hesitate to lie about it.

And the main purpose of animal experimentation is to train people to be callous towards all living things - including us.

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When he comes face to face with his Maker, he's gonna have a whole lotta 'splainin' to do.

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The whole lot of these ‘medical’ types are evil, despicable people. They will receive ultimate justice one day. One can pray some justice hits them here on earth too! 🙏🏻

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Thank you for your work and integrity.

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thanks for your support in turn

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Fauci is a Jew, who rejects Jesus the Christ and views all non-Jews as subhuman animals to kill or enslave. There is no limit to how inhumane he would be if unrestrained by the remnants of Christian culture in the West.

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Thank you!

Cathy Obrien also warned people to watch closely those who torture or treat animals cruelly. They are sure to be child equally cruel torturer and abusers as well. She knows.

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