I do so hate stupidity and hypocrisy – even though I have my fair share - and our governments and institutions seem to encourage both qualities in order to demolish our society and replace with something worse.

Talking of which – there is a meeting of Fat Lives Matter. We meet at 11 am outside McDonalds and aim to reach KFC by 11.05 am. xxxx

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I help run a food kitchen, a hot meal and a free bag of food donated by local people, businesses and the local council every Friday late afternoon and we serve everybody of whatever colour or age or however able or disabled they are or indeed however they choose to travel including some people who turn up in brand spanking new cars. If someone turned up in a brand spanking new flying saucer they would be welcome.

It is not for me to say to someone if you can afford a brand new car or a flying saucer you shouldn't be here as clearly they are in need of something, company, a smiling face, a bit of routine in their lives or whatever and it is not for her to say that she will not hand out freely given food either.

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Hi Jumbo, why that number? Especially 138? Just curious.... ; )

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Our own colleges and universities helped develop these monstrous social control methods over time, and now they are implemented and used against us, not always without our knowledge.

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Yeah, remember hearing way back in the 90's and 00's that they were teaching communism/socialism to the students in the universities of the west.

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Thing is, if and when this turns the other way, these "useful idiots" will be eliminated after doing the dirty deeds for their real owners. Same as in most revolutions, the useful idiots who were brainwashed and then turned on their should be brothers and sisters, are rounded up and taken out. Clown world.....

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Thing is, if and when this turns the other way, these "useful idiots" will be eliminated after doing the dirty deeds for their real owners. Same as in most revolutions, the useful idiots who were socially engineered/brainwashed and then turned on their should be brothers and sisters, are rounded up and taken out. Clown world.....

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