If a bunch of doctors survive to announce that the safeneffective clotshots also cause turbocancer, but the media ignores it, does it make a sound?

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How about: If people are not allowed to make observations about this crash, are they still wrong?

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Just a low rumble.

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Pharma are very dangerous corporate entities with much money, power,and ties to very shady governments such as Israel, US, UK.

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... how long's it been, big pharma people, sitting on that cancer cure of theirs, doling it out to special people? - Samuel.

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2nd Smartest Guy in the World will fix you right up, here on Substack.

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And they have a proven track record of killing millions of people if the profit or ideology suits them.

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And people bitch about Trump not taking them on in the middle of a campaign, aa if there were a better candidate to support instead.

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You did good work pointing people to 2nd Smartest Guy in the World. Thank You. However- there are people who understand that Trump is controlled opposition: Supporting a candidate in a Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum situation is a wash when jews have chosen both candidates. His recent statements continue to point out the contrary positions he takes depending on his audience, his statements which support Israel at all costs-including the genocide of Palestinians- and support of a war with Iran to benefit Israel, are all more proof of the complete waste of time voting for the approved candidates of our international money masters: the jews. Voting is a complete waste of time.

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Probably not a good idea for so many doctors/researchers who are threatening big pharma profit to all be on one plane .

In 2014, Malaysian Fight MH-17 was carrying 298 passengers, many of which were scientists and researchers (who probably had better ideas to treat HIV other than Fauci's toxic AZT) were on their way to an AID's conference in Australia, and it was shot down in Ukraine( Ukraine being a country that the U.S. seems to control). But the Russians did it? Do you know who was safe and sound? Who wasn't on that plane years ago? Fauci and Birx. Here is Fauci being so sad about the whole thing. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/remembering-aids-researchers-lost-in-mh17-crash-309287491819

and Fauci almost gets upset in this video. Well no, not at all. https://www.hiv.gov/blog/dr-fauci-reflects-on-hiv-colleagues-lost-in-mh-17-crash/

Other videos regarding MH-17 crash:






So do we still talk about this? Nah, not so much. Pretty much forgotten about.

Does it matter to the elite that 100s of people die in a plane crash? I don't think so.

So anyone want to talk about Seal Team 6 or World Trade Building number 7 ?

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I have nothing to contribute, but I will gladly listen.

And thanks for the links.

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Unless the pressure is kept on, this will probably go the way of the Trump assassination attempt, the Maui wildfires, 9/11, or any other shady phenomena in that they’ll eventually disappear into oblivion with no real answers.

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You’re right. You aren’t an aviation engineer….or a pilot, or a trained safety investigator. Since you know nothing, especially about the ATR-72, start here before you publish more uninformed opinions:


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I’ve been wondering about this too. I’m guessing dead pilots. It seemed to me that the props’ pitches were feathered, so they had no pull.

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So, any guess what Deep State rule the Titans on the yacht ran afoul of?

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Pulse weapon (possibly-likely?) same as what disabled Paul Wellstone’s airplane and JFK Jr.’s?

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... I sometimes wonder if those whacked out CIA people have a super-secret, super-duper advanced video game joystick, with a button they can push, to crash any private aircraft or commercial airliner, however whimsically they please? - Samuel.

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"... There is very little deliberate wickedness in the world. The stupidity of our selfishness gives much the same results, indeed, but in the ethical laboratory it shows, a different nature" - H.G. Wells.

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Mr NWO Luciferian himself!

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... simple matter, plugging and chugging, computational conflict (e.g., where facts agree; values agree), if you say 1+1=2, who's going to argue? Legal conflict, (e.g., where facts don't agree, but, values do), if you try putting it out there, telling people, computationally crunch 16+52, equal to 2? That's how you precipitate conspiracy theories. Out the window goes Occam's razor - Samuel.

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I have no formal expertise, but I generally know how planes fly, and I've watched every episode of Air Disasters a/k/a Mayday (in Canada). If you've watched enough of that show, you'll understand something about crashes. The crash looked like a stall condition usually due to pilot error or a combination of factors that include pilot error. I don't want to libel anyone, so we'll have to wait and see what the official report is.

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The "official report" will be total garbage and lies to prevent the truth from ever being known.

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I was being diplomatic. This was a garden variety stall, and planes stall when pilots aren't paying attention. Dead people can't sue for libel anyway. Ben's cranking out stories, and the tin foil hat crowd has no power of discernment. But I do.

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You’re likely correct. I’m a pilot. 99% sure that was caused by icing. There are a few aviation channels on YT that have done credible explanations. Looks like the pilots were flying on autopilot, the wings iced to the point where the autopilot couldn’t hold altitude and when it disconnected the pilots were overwhelmed. Stall and entry into a fully developed flat spin.

Never fly on third world airlines. I personally stay out of helicopters as well.

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Appreciate the information. That makes sense. Reminiscent of American Eagle 4184 that crashed due to icing. Also a twin turboprop, high wing plane.

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There was more than one ATR crash caused by icing. They made some modifications to the anti-icing boots on the wings that have gone a long way to preventing further crashes, but the full story will be out before long.

Keep fighting the good fight.

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Brandy Vaughn Santa Barbara's coroner concluded that nationally renowned anti-vax activist Brandy Vaughan died at age 44 of natural causes on December 7, 2020. She was found by her young son.

Learn The Risk is an American anti-vaccine group was founded in 2015 by Vaughan. It is known for its billboard campaigns asserting vaccines are responsible for a large number of deaths of young children. Arguments against vaccination are contradicted by overwhelming scientific consensus about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

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"Do you want a clean kill or do you want to send a message?"

(007 to M in Casino Royale)

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"Scientific consensus" usually means bought-and-paid-for silence.

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It's all it can mean, being antithetical to science itself.

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This is total nonsense and is contradicted by many actual scientific studies which correlate the rise of autism and other problems directly to the increase in vaccination. Any coroner who would be foolish enough to connect a death of an "anti-vaccination" activist to any other cause except natural causes would never be a coroner for very long- naturally or otherwise.

Vaccinations have cured nothing and are proven to injure and maim many of the unfortunates who have them forced upon them, the latest versions are pure evil designed to murder millions while enriching the richest people on the planet.

Arguments supporting vaccinations are contradicted by overwhelming science against them: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/roman-bystrianyk-vaccine-history

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