Thank You for getting this out. It's tough to get this information into many brainwashed brains.

My mother always told me to speak 'good' of the dead. Well,....she's dead,...and I say ...good.

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All's well that ends well. She's in a better (for us) place now.

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I beg to differ Thunder Road, all's not well that ends well, not by any means; and the Covid catastrophe isn't over by a long shot; to the contrary, it's just getting started. 2 ambulance sirens since I got up this morning. 4 yesterday, 6 the day before that...

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Good obituary. I'm sure it was deserved. Even if she believed in the shots, it did not entitle her to deny a choice to the rest of the world. The best that can be said is that she was guilty of intellectual arrogance with lethal consequences. I wrote a similar obit for George H.W. Bush, one of the top 100 malevolent people to occupy this planet, the son of Hitler's banker and without question no different in his beliefs than his father. A good friend, on reading it, said one should never speak ill of the dead. I think that lie started with some scoundrel who wanted a goodr eview when he passed on. I told my friend I never had anything good to say about him when he was alive, so why should I change now?

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At our house, being largely apolitical from my parents down to my adult children, it took one adult son's foray into reading about politics to learn that Bush the Elder was a bad person. And we just all slowly grew more and more to be first disquieted then disgusted with his actions.

I will say the lack of interest in party politics has made us much happier people. But being readers of history, war, geography, we were bound to eventually get dragged into the disgusting world of how "leaders" are picked and what they do afterwards.

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I hear you! I have family I can't talk poliitics to, they just don't want to know. Maybe it's better not to know But perhaps if we all were required to know who we were votring for, we might have a better world. All we get are billionaire stooges who are so corrupt that even they think Trump is a hero, although that's the reason they do whatever they can to prevent him from gaining any power.

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Good riddance. She was not good people, however you chalk it up.

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God would forgive her if she asked him but she is dead and probably didn’t and I’m sorry to say not in a better place.

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It's funny, (not really) she was mentioned along with John (no name) McCain, Sheila Jackson Lee, and her Susan Wojcicki in one of the Q drops... I believe the same drop mentioned Cancer as a cover for the real cause of death... Like a treasonous execution??? And Sheila Jackson Lee was found to be in the position to oversee the Secret Service. And she dies just after they missed Trump??? I'm just soo confused... Things that make you say HHhhUUuuMMmmmmmmmm!!!! Peace...

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I agree with much of what is in here but not your meanness towards her regarding her death. Which by the way, is contradictory within the terms of your essay as if she died from the vaxxes then that means she herself took them which strongly implies that she believed the falsehoods and was thus at least in large part innocent in the matter (may she rest in peace). People can do terrible things with the best of intentions, the "big thing" is to not have a hyper-centralized system that enables it to occur...

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No no no! Even if she “innocently believed”, censorship is not her or anyone else’s right. She thought she had the moral authority to decide for humanity which information could be seen. She made her decision to play God and did the devil’s work. NO SYMPATHY here.

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I agree that's why I put the "in large part" in front of innocent, however, while it was wrong for her to take it upon herself (or rather its the social group(s) she's a part of, so: themselves), her heart may very well have been in the right place which is a different moral story from someone who did it on purpose or otherwise just didn't give an F and did it for money, or something else in that vein. There are several stories here, one of which is the fact they we are so hyper-centralized that its possible to happen in the first place

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Ever read Orwell? His description of "Doublethink"?

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Are you implying she had undergone an indoctrination that was similar to the book’s doublethink?

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I'm not as mean as Ben but there will be people he reaches. And he's very precise in his writing and ideas, which I think is part and parcel of his anger and personality, which he admits too.

I'm not saying it is good. I'm just saying.

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I'd say its karma as her son also died of a fentanyl overdose - maybe IF his mother spent less time censoring people like the Tate brothers and those who question vaxxs, both would still be alive?

BIG TECHsteria: Best Google Memes (Be EVIL!)

Goolag, Google is watching you, how it started (don't be evil) & how it’s going (be evil), every time you search for something & more Google memes after Youtube's censorship queen aka CEO meets karma!


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No. Don't blame parents for their kids mental illness or shortcomings.

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"Don't believe"

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As it is expressed by John Bunyan, in his Pilgrim's Progress:

" ... the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

As deceived and self deceived as human beings are highly susceptible to becoming, it is eminently possible for an individual to nurture the notion that his or her entirely less than good intentions are, in actuality, absolutely good in character.

From Satan's own perspective, his intentions are good ...

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She is indirectly responsible for many deaths I am sure. So is Trump regardless that he didn't mandate it and suggested other alternatives. After it was beyond obvious these shots were toxic, Trump still vocally loved his shots.

Lots of people are responsible indirectly for people taking these poisons, and no, I don't feel sorry for Susan. I believe we are at war and she fired shots on my family, friends and I.

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Great job bringing Trump into the conversation Dee!!!111

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How appropriate and deserving that she died from a turbo-cancer that is triggered by the “vaccine” which she promoted through censorship of safe and effective alternatives. I personally know some other non-smokers who died from the same thing after being vaxxed.

In addition to killing Americans by suppressing evidence during the COVID pandemic, Wojcicki also aided and abetted a treasonous conspiracy by a rogue faction of military intelligence to murder U.S. citizens by deleting more than 100 crucial pieces of evidence and witness testimony in the Las Vegas massacre of Trump supporters (a false flag operation with multiple objectives that were leaked in advance by a whistleblower).

The video evidence that was destroyed at Wojcicki’s direction includes many reports of multiple snipers with suppressors taking head shots (initially thought to be firecrackers), decoy events all over the strip to misdirect and confuse police, testimony from military veterans who identified the machine guns as a squad automatic weapon (not an AR-15 with bump stock), a video clip that captured two camouflaged accomplices on top of a trailer near the venue, and a report from a witness who confronted a man carrying a collapsible sniper rifle in a briefcase attempting to herd and corral escapees at a nearby hotel.

Note how all coverage of this event by the ‘mockingbird media’ totally and completely ceased as soon as the witnesses got home from Vegas and started uploading evidence that contradicts the official narrative. When independent journalists started putting the pieces together, Wojcicki orchestrated the largest single purge of evidence in YouTube history prior to the pandemic.

The Parkland shooting was a similar event (with another drugged & hypnotized patsy that was aided by a covert-ops team.) Parkland is also the name of the hospital where they took JFK — and both of these recent terror events were intended to scare Donald Trump in that way. This is possibly what convinced him to break his promise to release the JFK files. In other words, if the criminal element in government cannot succeed by threatening Donald himself, they will try to control him by demonstrating that they will slaughter Americans if he does not obey them.

Related info:


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"Hey! I remember that time old Bully Burton DIDN'T threaten us or beat us up on the way home from school! You know, he was alright, deep down. Just because he terrorized our lives for several years doesn't mean anything! I mean, he was probably confused or got treated bad by his parents."

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They say "You reap what you sow", this confirms that.

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My spirituality is different. I don't believe in Hell unless, of course, we're referring to the hell which resides within the human and manifests as suffering. The hell within a soul manifests as phenomena in the external world as war, plague, invasion, etc. I've recently been watching some YT shorts from Palestinian kids who sob on camera because they're so war weary. You can see the tiredness in their eyes. Many have lost parents. They beg for food which nobody has. One young fellow ran home with barely 1/8 cup of some stew another family had given him as if he were bringing home gold. Now...that's Hell.

Gigi Young, many times during her Q&As, has referenced the Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead which detail the process a soul undergoes after a physical death on Earth. Those unaware evidently experience a great deal of hardship because they must become insightful about the lives they've lived. Learning continues post-Earth life. Otherwise, they don't pass Go and collect $200. Meaning? As near as I could understand, they're trapped within a specific proximity to Earth with little development and no access to higher planes/guidance until their next incarnation. Talk about being stuck on the Eight-Fold Path or some say the Wheel of Samsara. According to anthroposophy, we are still within the most dense phase of Earth's cycle just barely beginning to rise. Probably not a good time to repeat life after life...sounds like a harsh learning experience if you ask me. Susan will likely be back real soon.

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Evil Versus Team Humanity 🙏

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Great, well written article! Thank you!

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‘Bout time. Same two words I said when McCain and Bush Sr and Kissinger (et al) finally kicked it.

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BIG TECHsteria: Best Google Memes (Be EVIL!)

Goolag, Google is watching you, how it started (don't be evil) & how it’s going (be evil), every time you search for something & more Google memes after Youtube's censorship queen aka CEO meets karma!


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