There is a huge and growing disconnect between men and women all over the West including in those who voted for and against Trump whatever you may think of him. Can those who produce almost everything and are net contributors to society financially really continue to allow themselves to be dictated to through the bent ballot box by people who are net takers from society financially and who refuse to think rationally about anything? I don't think this state of affairs can last much longer. The West is collapsing in every way imaginable under the weight of this irrationality.

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Well said, these examples of “Americans” are examples of why America will fall- this mindset is toxic to a healthy society

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The third world would whip them into shape real quick.

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I’m not even watching it this time around. I didn’t watch any election coverage. I’ve spent way to long on this nonsense. What will be, will be. I’m literally detoxing off of politics. I’m old and I’m tired. Not jabbed.

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I did the same. I’m happy with the result. Hopefully all goes well for our nation.

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They really have mental health problems I think it’s Trump derangement syndrome 😱😂

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Nov 7Edited

Trump is simply the hook they hang their mental health problems on this week. Usually it is "the patriarchy" whatever that is or "toxic masculinity" or "emotionally immature men" i.e. men refusing to be emotionally blackmailed by women into doing things that women want them to do for them for free. Huge numbers of women are hooked on or have recently been on anti-depressants and rather than sit down as a man would do and ask what can I do differently i.e. take responsibility for what they feel most women instead want to take zero accountability for their positions and blame something or someone "out there". The problem isn't that women do that it is that other women support them in their delusions instead of telling them to get a life and sort themselves out as women used to do when life was far harder years ago.

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Please ignore these clowns. Ignore the entire MSM and life healthy.

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Put wimmin back in the kitchen and keep them busy with childbirth. What works in the jungle also USed to work in the human zoo. No more tolerance for emotional ignorant idiots who imagine they should be telling real men what to do.

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Aw... Polly wanna cracker?

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While it has been SUCH a relief to see that the huge and expensive propaganda machine has failed to blind A MAJORITY OF THE NATION,

and this is reason for huge national pride, a large proportion of women are totally embarrassing. For thousands of years, we could see the side effects of men ruling. Now we can see the side effects of women in dominant positions, and it ain’t pretty, and the voting behavior confirms it. But today is not a day for complaining. I’m ecstatic that SO MANY wonderful things are happening, with so many amazing people on the transition team and prospectively in important positions in the near future.

In addition to the people we already know about, I so hope that Joseph Ladapo will be joining them as surgeon general!!

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... television election statisticians, selling you down the river on "a tectonic demographic shift" between the last two elections, is a non-sequitur.

They're lying.

I have several degrees, tops in my class, two in this particular discipline. Statistically significant, a difference of 15 million votes, any comparison between the last two elections, 2020 V. 2024, is scholastically defective:


You're being lied to! 15 million votes descending, 2020, on Harris-Biden, pie-in-the-sky, magically having evanesced, poof-gone, 2024? The two elections are not directly comparable. Everyone voted, exactly the same way they always do - Samuel.

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... I just lodged a formal complaint with the FCC, against ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox and Newsmax:

Request received: ... news distortion; defective comparative analysis; wanton, brazen misrepresentation, scholastically defective analysis of election results -

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... people don't change. Though there's oftentimes a chance we might be able to affect their behavior, albeit temporarily? Perhaps they might be nice to us, a little while? They believe what they believe. Period. That's that. No matter how theoretically impeccable we may be, we can hope to make no impression whatsoever upon their fundamental underlying belief system. Rule of thumb in forensic analysis: are lazy, complacent. Assimilating thought, they can be expected to exert minimal effort - Samuel.

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Not only immature but arrogant to imagine that anyone is interested in their monumental inadequacies.

Are there enough custard pies to hurl at those self-indulgent faces?

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I support all these women in their efforts to: not date men, not marry men, not reproduce

Knowing these women will NOT bring children into the world is one of the most encouraging things I’ve seen come from this election

But…lets be serious, that probably wasn’t happening anyway unless they met a blind, deaf and intoxicated male

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What a delightful collection of retarded $lumville wokewomenhood.

Red$ and da Blue$ rah rah rah...

Make I$rahell gtate again. DUH!

The same mob always wins, the rest is simply clown kabuki.

Onward to total collap$€e

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