DiAngelo is such a fucking grifter. Her an Ibram "X" Kendi. Absolute worst, exploiting and promoting racial hatred to enrich themselves. A perfect example of the woke industrial complex. You just can't hate them enough...

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Great movie, both in the way it exposes the race grifters and the way it demonstrates that no, "ordinary people", far removed from the religious dogma of academia, are neither racist, nor interested in being bated into the racism of the race grifter kind.

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Fun piece. Always good to see them choke when they're exposed. like to see those Slavic pirate sites

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Yes, I'm pretty sure that Robin DiAngelo IS RACIST....*sigh*....but is she LGBFJB+?....

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When America's 100 "major" cities are like scenes from The Omega Man (the original, with Charlton Heston) people who write "Black" and "white" will be crying "but I'm on your side!" as they are dragged from their homes and cars to be defiled and torn limb from limb.

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