Homosexual behavior among animals has always been an indicator of crowding.

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if they're near-full capacity at the gay animal bar that doorman better start kickin' out all them extree rhinos (!)

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The devil is working overtime trying to doom souls to hell. He knows his time is short.

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Just like China Joe.

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Why would he believe that his time is short? God has allowed him to carry on for so long that it's obvious that God has a plan for Satan and a policy for Hell which is completely at odds with your simplicity.

The more, the merrier, thinks He.

Well, that would be the policy if Hell were real.

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Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. 

Revelation 12:12 KJV

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May 25·edited May 25

That's the sort of convoluted logic only someone whose aversion to truth is based in sheer ignorance would come up with

Admit it, you have no clue about the Bible beyond hearsay, and your opinion is rooted in nothing more.

Satan is not clueless and this knows his time is at hand, as is that of the Fakestinians, and the Luciferian Controllers.

It's called Armegeddon and all my fingers and all my toes could not be enough to number the prophecies regarding that which have come true on time and in order beginning with the re birth of Israel in a single day as Prophesied May 14, 1948 through the most recent, the re arming of Germany.

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You write: “Two-spirit,” for the record, which I have debunked at length before, is an entirely synthetic marriage of pseudo-Native American culture and transgenderism, invented in the 1990s by a Canadian academic that in no way accurately reflects Native American culture.

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I have lived on an Indian reservation. Homosexuslity is part of nature . Natives see themselves as part of the animal world. In the state of Oaxaca the Muxes are a group of modern day homosexusls from pre Colombian days. Even in the rest of Mexico, homosexuslity is not seen generally as an aberration. In the Muxe world, often times a mother will brag about having a Muxe son. Yes, the term two spirit is new, but the concept is ancient. There was no need to qualify homosexualiy with a term in the same manner that penguins don't need to qualify homosexuslity.

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And now you know why missionaries feel an obligation to try to bring civilization to people who live like lower animals.

And anyway, I have seen dogs hump a wide variety of things but I never saw one insert himself in a

dog's anus and I think equating dogs randomly humping each other with homosexuality is dubious at best.

It's just seems similar because they are both operating on a very low level .

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And what is going on now in the LGBTIAXYZ+×÷/ world is an aberration of homosexuslity.

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No, it's just the natural course of depravity.

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silly me, I thought the full extent of queerness in ani-mauls wuz "male ladybugs" (yup they're real!) an' my mama's 14 year old spaniel that'll hump the leg've any feller that comes ta visit her (tho' not sure if that makes 'im gay given the "leg" also represents an'nuther species... An' come ta think of it he also humps furniture legs an' the Dyson vacuum cleaner (in the off position)---so I guess that puts 'im in some newfangled catty-gory I'll let Ray Kurzweil figger out... Meantimes I guess a lotta animals are "Furries!" (tee hee)

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tweeter haiku


@Riley_Gaines_ does not realize

this queer agenda we despise

false gender bullshit which persists

and trannie mannies we resist

its imposed on us from above

by elites who control Big Gov

dem'rats libtards marxists and jews

they're the ones cause this abuse

The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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It amazes me that people can convince themselves that a forty year old man channelling a 12 year old girl from the fluttering hands to the silly little giggle is normal and natural as can be

Birds do it to each other, Bees do it to each other and you can too!

Yay, girlfriend!

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Animals are not exemplars of intelligent behavior.

Besides humping human legs, dogs also eat turds, vomit and road kill.

The utter stupidity of liower animals is a subject wide and deep enough for a large format hard cover.

Pervs, in the other hand revere the Nazi Looney Tunes who gave up the British throne for used booty, for his fashion forward popularizing of dressing like Bozo the Clown.

Stupid is as Stupid does....

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