It's horrific to hear how bad the lawfare has become in our banana republic. Thousands of dollars later over absolutely nothing, except, apparently, not being on the payroll of the Federal government already. Sorry to hear of that....

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Sep 13Liked by Ben Bartee

Praying a pardon is coming soon to all the J6 political prisoners. Then I hope they all sue the shit out of this corrupt DC cabal.

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Sep 13Liked by Ben Bartee

I would love for 'J6 Granny' to sit down with Merrick Garland, & let him explain to her about how the DOJ has not been weaponized against the American people.

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You all do realize that we’re next. Vote accordingly. Pax

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why do you think voting is a useful exercise?

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We have to try … it’s better than NOT showing up

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To not vote is to vote...in particular for those that oppose your views. Yes, I know talking heads say how the fix is in and how people are anointed BUT I am not too sure this is true....especially at the local level. At the national level is where you see "shady stuff". I could go on....but I'm not LOL. Pax

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I think we need to talk more about certain things I don't see discussed here. Like how to resist their incessant spying on us. I hear many people say things like, "I'm not breaking the law so who cares if they're listening to me." That completely misses the point. I"m sure you're nearly all walking around all day with that p.o.s. "smart" phone on you. One can still get a telephone which can be "root" ed. We should all be doing this. And we have the capacity to set up alternative ways of communicating. Everybody's got an internet box in their house. We could easily set up alternative networks from existing infrastructure. It wouldn't take much, the most important thing it would take would be the willingness to only be connected let's say once every few minutes. But I guess you're all too addicted to this constant hit of telecom. Like it'd be terrible if somebody had to leave a message and wait for you to get back to them. We could create groups of people who create a non-profit with the goal of privacy. 1000 people together could easily commission the creation of a device which would be a middle man between the gsm network and their phones. There are surely phone-like devices which have wifi but no sim card. everyone could carry two devices, the anonymous (relatively) middle man device and a rooted telephone. The anonymous device could be generic enough that people could switch them when they ran into each other in public. That way, no easy trail of where person x's sim card has been.

The goal of this would be to re-enable actual private conversation. We might need to invent some devices which are not annoying for us but which make "them" recording us much more difficult. We're clearly making it too easy for them by being "technophone".

It's clear that they'd get nervous if suddenly they realized that lots of people were talking to each other and they didn't know what was being said.

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Really excellent point. Unfortunately many folks like myself aren’t technically savvy enough to know where to start. Such a device would have to be akin to bitcoin in execution. The reason being all technology can be hacked. Also to create such a device would be quite expensive. Thoughts?

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Sep 13Liked by Ben Bartee


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Well at least she didn't get get prison time. Let's see maybe Trump can help her out.

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He didn't help 1/6ers the first time, why would he now?

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Exactly correct

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It’s not about me being punished that should concern you. What is happening right now in America is the issue. I can handle my sentence. What I can’t handle is America falling.

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Obviously she’s been marked down for extra punishment because of her notoriety.

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The notoriety came from standing outside of Joe Rogan’s Comedy Mothership in Austin with hundreds of other people trying to get a chance to spend a few minutes on stage being interviewed on the “Kill Tony” open mic. I knew if I got pulled I could get the story out to people with minimal political bias; the undecided. On my first appearance I was fact-checked when I claimed no policemen died; just 4 Trump supporters. When it turned out I was right, over 3 million viewers learned the truth. I knew I would likely be punished for being honest, but what punishment feels more righteous? I want to expose the lies. I have now been on that stage 4 times and my interviews have been seen around 10 million times. Share Ben’s story on your social media. Post my YouTube links. Right now comedy is the last bastion of free speech. If you are on X check out @KillAlley.

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Granny I have enjoyed your KT appearances and applaud you for taking the truth to the youth! (Who is Ben?)

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Benis the writer who wrote the article for PJ media and is the owner/publisher of Armageddon Prose.

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No apology necessary. We’ve all gotten a bit casual here.

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... FAIR WARNING: there is more than merely one Democrat shit-list. If you're a registered Democrat? Stay, a registered Democrat. Don't update your voter registration, to a new party affiliation. My wife, dearest Barbara, thoroughly fed up with the Democrat political party, circa 2015, foolishly updated her party affiliation, to declare herself Republican. Do what dearest Barbara did? The Democrat party people sick the courts on you, and you get deluged, an endless barrage of jury duty summons. Disabled, Barbara made a certain list the courts reserve, for those dropping out of the democrat party, ensuring Barbara was always summoned, to courts 60 miles away. They summoned her, straight to her grave. Two years deceased, she still gets summoned, threatened by Los Angeles courts, for failure to appear. Changing party affiliation, the Republican political party people don't exactly roll out the red carpet for you, either - Samuel.

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... make no mistake, democrat people control the courts, they have their peeps infiltrated, straight down to municipal level. Every one of Barbara's medical providers, exclaiming extent of Barbara's medical condition (e.g., cystic bronchiectasis, dyspnea, chronic hypoxia, on oxygen therapy and a pathway clearance device, just one remaining lung) was insufficient for her to be excused from Jury duty. Make certain whensoever you walk into court, you are wholly devoid any inkling you are anything, but a Democrat ditto-head. Walk into traffic court with your MAGA hat, you get an extra US$25 bux tacked on to your speeding ticket - Samuel.

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... piss off those democrat people? They can fix it, so you never work again, the rest of your natural life - Samuel

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... not a year after updating her voter registration? Dearest Barbara was summarily laid off from her lead graphic arts position, at the local newspaper where she'd been working, 25 years -

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your fault for working in america in a way where anybody but your customers know about you.

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pretty easy to get out of jury duty. When the prosecutor asks you questions during the choosing you let him know what you think of justice in america and people too lame to find something better to do in life than what he does. Pretty sure you'll never make it to any trial.

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Move the horrible capital out of dee cee. It is not safe. No one should go there - even our elected officials. Disgusting blood sucking populace. Corrupt "judiciary".

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Best idea yet. There needs to be massive decentralization for this country to survive.

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around d.c. would be the place to build the wall. Then it could be drowned in the big bathtub that would make.

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I’m very grateful to Ben for sharing my story. Doing my best to get the word out. I’ve been up on Kill Tony four times now. After the joking around I have an opportunity to set the record straight: https://youtu.be/wUDXXwOEEUY?si=OEvPX3U-Bi9TgHBu

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Note to self: don’t go on tours of govt bldgs

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I regret not being able to beat that judge senseless.

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Of course these prosecutions and sentences are politically motivated. The deep state is making a mockery of our system of justice by excessively punishing J6 defendants. Ray Epps didn't receive the same treatment because he was a willing pawn of the deep state who acted to entrap the Trump rally attendees who went to the Capitol Building that day.

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Can you spread this farther Ben?

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I've spread it as far and wide as I can, my friend. But feel free to distribute it and help it out however you can.

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I'd like to see a lawyers group take on pursuing CIVIL charges against those who deliberately, and selectively, targeted the J6 defendants. Don't settle unless ALL of their legal and lost wages/income claims are met, along with a PUBLIC admission of guilt.

We may not get criminal charges; the timeframe makes it unlikely before statute of limitations expires, even if immunity doesn't cover it. But, it SHOULD be a case for civil courts - The Left has set the precedent.

Bankrupt the Ba$tard$. Take a BIG bite out of their retirement accounts AND pension. Make them wish they had never started this.

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Did King Trump ever swear or promise to give all J6'ers a pardon??? NO. So, why is he so beloved - and taken as The Promised One - by so many???

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