The only possible conclusion is that cell phone radiation is harmful to all life forms. Otherwise, if these documents were to show that cell phone radiation is harmless, there would be no need to redact anything.

Again we have another useless government agency that is anti-human...the NIH. Trump is not going to fix any of this. This agency must be ABOLISHED. The national institute of health is an oxymoron as there is NO health of anything involved.

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You raise very good questions regarding cell phone exposure and radiation risks. The first part of the redaction is most concerning to me, i.e. that it threatens certain industries. In the Internet of Bodies space these corporations are moving full steam ahead with some very concerning things which I think relate to 5G/6G and beyond the possibly irreparable harm to basically every living thing on Earth due to unavoidable exposure to these frequencies. It's like they want us living in The Matrix movie for real...

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The cell phone radiation and any radiation really in the 2.4ghz range acts to power the IoT smart dust in everything. Whatever Logical ID's result get logically mapped to individuals. And since the 2.4ghz is pretty much ubiquitous between wifi, cellular, 5G, Vehicle alert detection, and microwave ovens, People Are Always near enough to a transmitter that it keeps them lit up.

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Switch off as much as you can! Cell off, smart devices off, can't avoid smart dust, but try to avoid the obvious sources, cars - old and unwired. Mine is 15 years old and I plan to keep it till it dies, and then buy an even older one, LOL. Or just not go in cars that much. Cities are a write off, cell towers even out in nowhereland, but again, do what you can do to downsize exposures... wonder why ppl live to 90s? Because they didn't have constant jabs, or constant radio cell exposure micro waves and the rest... brains are healthier too..

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Cars old and unwired can't cause EMFS.

Its the cars newer than about 2010 that all have built in transmitters in the headlights, taillights and sideviews that use such for idiot lights. Nevermind the older cars are able to be worked on without needing an Electrical engineering degree.

As for 5G its pretty much everywhere on every ROAD. This site has a 5g map that you can zoom in and out on but you have to select from the different carriers to see all the overlaid coverage, so where you have 2-3 carriers all overlapped you have 2-3x the local EMF's allowed because each carrier will usually use the full power output and only account for THEIR OWN NETWORKS output. I imagine where more carriers are all overlaid, the negative effect is amplified in multiples.


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This is a good topic! We all know the published facts: just read the little booklet included with your new phone, "this phone will cause you ass-cancer when stored in your back pocket", etc.

I DO recall that radio frequency study was mysteriously shut down last year but there wasn't any follow up to that. So, my Vaxxed-induced burn-out pot-soaked brain probably forgot.

Great topic! (did I say that already?)

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This is what kills me about what DOGE is ultimately revealing, that not only is the government hopelessly wasteful and corrupt. It's completely opaque too. And no one seems to care.

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Yep, good old Bobby Jr. who everyone thought was going to be so great, sure seems to have changed his tune here lately. Maybe that "fossil hunting” expedition in South Dakota with Epstein and the still unreleased Epstein files have something to do with it. Funny how blackmail works. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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What would they use to send out the kill signal if you don't have your own personal pager, sorry, phone with you at all times? I mean say you were up in the highlands where there is little to no signal and you heard that the jabbed were dying en-masse via an electomagnetic signal somehow interacting with the muck they were poisoned with as predicted by some people then you would clearly stay where you were and live so far better if you carry that little genocide assistant in your pocket at all times up the hills and go out like a light along with the rest of them when it sends out the signal. Then you won't be dragged off to the cattle trucks like the unjabbed.

I remember a top surgeon being asked if he thought phones cause cancer and he said if I see an ear cancer or a brain cancer on one side of the head I know to almost 100% accuracy what ear they mostly use for listening to their phone and I just couldn't do that if there was no link.

Let's say the cowering cretins that control everything, for now, took your phone away. They would need a huge number of people to be able to spy on people to find out who they spoke to and what they were doing but with a phone in everyone's pocket they only need a few thousand traitors at most and that is the great weakness because when the sun goes pop so does every mobile phone at just the point in time they will need to know what you are doing they won't be able to. Of course they could just send out the kill signal now but what happens if it doesn't work as planned? There is one thing they always manage to do 100% well and that is fail. This time will be no different. Three little murdered girls in the UK by a "Welsh choirboy" didn't make people rise up but 5% of people dropping dead one day and not knowing who will be next tomorrow is an excellent spur to bring the whole stinking system down with quite a big bang.

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