
Every time I heard the Biden surrogates in the Corporate media say “Cheap Fakes” I knew they were projecting.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Ben Bartee

I'm apolitical so i do not choose 'sides' at all. But to be fair, the MSM spun this clip and didn't show the full context of where Biden 'meandered' to. There were in fact skydivers off to the right and he goes to address them.


I'm just the messenger! :-)

Trying to help make sure we're all being accurate.

there's of course innumerable 'wtf' moments with Biden that are clearly wild af.

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okay, even if we accept that he was wandering off to give the thumbs-up to the skydivers, doesn't he know he's supposed to be standing there for a photo-op. none of the other puppets in that group wander off anywhere. they are standing in a group because they know that's what they're supposed to be doing.

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Its all shenanigans in the end. Even true stories and events will be spun (like this clip was) turning them into propaganda. It is all madness at this point.

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It's not madness. It's chaos and destruction. Next comes order.

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Yes because madness and chaos are so much different. Phew.

What is next is this.....

While everyone focuses on Biden's alleged senility, they might be missing the forest for the trees. Look at the signalling which is becoming clearer and clearer.

In recent weeks Alex Jones, Roger Stone and others have quipped that we may see an assassination attempt on Trump. Supreme liar Tucker Carlson has also made mention of this numerous times. In 2017 there was a theatrical production of Julius Caesar whereby Caesar is stabbed to death and just so happens to look exactly like Trump.

But look at how many articles are blasting out about it now. In various foreign countries I see this meme. here in the U.S., look at the NYTimes and ZeroHeadge. In the UK, The Sun ran an article. Look at the headlines:

~ NY Times Editorial Board Urges Biden To Quit Race - Did Trump Administer Premature Kill Shot?

~ Thursday night's presidential debate mortally wounded President Biden's political career, and now the New York Times has hammered a significant nail in the coffin.


The Sun:

~ Donald Trump's brutal kill-shot in debate left Joe Biden a dead man walking metaphorically and, sadly, almost literally.


It has everything to do with subliminal messages. Many other media outlets with similar coverage. Now this all seems to be about Joe Biden and his performance in last Thursday's debate with Donald Trump, or meandering at a skydiving moment, but subliminal messages are not about the overtly discussed message, but rather the unconsciously programmed message.

Even the assassination will be hoaxed. It is the requisite step to the rise of Trump as the world's Messiah. The 'elite' are following a Biblical script, very precisely. We're getting much closer to all of this kicking off.

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I think you missed my allusion. "Ordo ab chao"

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What people seem to be missing is the greatest allusion. That of the 'elite' following a Biblical narrative or script. Very very precisely it is playing out. People are not seeing the clues.


The horses running loose in London back in April....

Mar Mari Emmanuel (back in April) and the fake stabbing. Who is Emmanuel in the Bible? The one who predicts the coming antichrist. Mar Mari had just made comments about Trump....

Trump after he surrenders; his mugshot moment. He said that he would cut up the suit he wore during the mugshot and sell them off to people. This is yet another reference to a Bible passage......

There's many that could be added to this list.

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In fact, I will add to the prediction from about that I posted yesterday.....

I would not be surprised if Robert de Niro is the one who pulls off the fake assassination attempt on Trump. We recently (in May) saw him come out for that highly publicized moment, yeah. Of course de Niro is a professional actor.

Their whole life is an act. They are part of the false reality that is to help guide the perception of the masses in the false reality laid over perception through media and social media.

And that's why the fact that Robert de Niro is showing up now is remarkable, because his name is associated with all those films that have a certain message in them. Just think about The Godfather. That, for example, is about an attack on Vito Corleone; the role played by Robert de Niro. When does that attack take place? That attack happens at the moment Corleone buys oranges (oranges in English) at a market stall. And who is also called orange man (because of his orange-colored hair)? Right: Donald Trump. And then De Niro starred in the 1976 film Taxi Driver; a film about an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. De Niro also played a role in the film Captain Shakespeare, which is a subliminal reference to William Shakespeare's play.

Also, we could consider the song by Banarama "Robert de Niro's Waiting," as an additional clue.

All the subliminals point towards de Niro.

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I didn't miss it. I was simply saying it was a nebulous comment in that it doesn't really say much. People can say order out of chaos all day long and at any point. The world has always been that way. That's NWO 101.

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you can even see macron and the Meloni lady shuffle the group over to try to corral him because it's weird and embarrassing

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Jun 29Liked by Ben Bartee

I'm really enjoying the Clown World Twitter feed you shared btw. Some comedy gold in there.

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yes, you are correct, but the incident still displayed that his faculties are failing. an old political instinct told him that paratroopers are awesome, but the younger pols there had more acute political instincts, to briefly show awe to the troops, but to keep the cameras and their image to the forefront of their minds at all times. in days gone by he would have returned to the group after a much briefer show of appreciation to the troops.

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HRC/Newsome likely incoming at the DNC. But it wouldn’t surprise me if they select Biden again with the largest vote cast for him that last time. Either way the goal is depopulation civil war/Marshall law/reeducation/restructuring.

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Nothing but a career bum of a political horse's butt.

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There is SO MUCH to NEVER FORGET and NEVER FORGIVE with regards to the MSM, the government, the Social Medial liars, the medical establishment, etc. over just the past couple of decades...let alone the past century.

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Before you think you're dealing with QAnon-like Trump glorification here: No, it has nothing to do with that.

Hang with me.....continuing with the idea that they are following a Biblical narrative and script.

Trump was crowned King of Israel on July 10, 2023 by a Jewish organization that recognizes his bloodline as being Mashiach ben David (Messiah of the David bloodline) He received the De Keter Yerushalayim (Crown of Jerusalem) presented by the Israel Heritage Foundation in the U.S. during a meeting at the National Golf Club Bedminster, in New Jersey. The relevance of this is that we are actually dealing here with the coronation of the Antichrist of the Bible (adhered to by billions) and the Messiah of the religion adhered to by Jews represented by the Torah.


Recall this moment from 4 years ago wherein Trump declared himself to be the chosen one.....


This is why the rhetoric by Trump during his first Presidency was so often 'cleaning up the deep State." He was being groomed to be the messiah of what is to come. They will continue to purposefully show that the vaccines were harmful on purpose, that Fauci/Gates are bad, the claims of pedophilia and adrenochrome etc etc etc., and many other things. Then Trump will be brought in to clean it all up. They want people to see it all as 'Satanic'.

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The Funny Thing Is

This Coming Week

Hillary Loses Again.


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I think it’s all on purpose, if not an act. They all prob go home and laugh over a beer afterward. An act to show the normies just how corrupt the govt really is. Sadly it ain’t working

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Never forget, never forgive the Goddamn jew media.



The Media Is The Number One Cause Of War Since 1898

Then there were the outright lies in the Russia collusion hoax, for which the New York Times was even awarded the ‘esteemed’ Pulitzer Prize. (Coincidentally, the Pulitzer is named after Joseph Pulitzer, a newspaper publisher who also fabricated lies in the late 1800s and agitated for war against Spain.)


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"... just a wittle-baby boy, eating his Skittles!" Remember, Barack Obama's long lost son? As far back as Trevon Martin we saw for ourselves first-hand, mainstream media's credibility, a foregone conclusion. As far back as 2019, even the most whacked-out, obtuse of democrats strung out of the derangement syndrome had no choice but begrudgingly concede, Bejing-Biden was headlong, in cognitive decline; that it's the most complicated, involved bureaucratic charade in U.S. history, the Pentagon, the DOJ, the FBI, National Security and the CIA people, acting in collusion, people providing cover for the Obamas and the Clintons, behind the scenes, pulling strings. using Bejing-Biden as an American version of the Ukraine's Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyyi, a well protected CIA asset used by policy community insiders to make unpopular decisions, before he's ultimately discarded, displaced by someone more popular. Unless you're naive, a democrat buried in the sand, or drop-dead stupid, mainstream media's not fooling anybody - Samuel.

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