Total BS! How come 2012 opening ceremony of 2012 Olympics featured a 13 minute satanic ritual featuring a virus plague named COVID 19?

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Indeed. And furthermore I strongly suspect there are no such things as viruses - so the foundational lies go back much further than that. "Gain of function research" itself is just another layer of the matrix - no more or less real than the bat-pangolin-wet-market BS.

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That overton window has a very dodgy catch... open, closed, open, closed... I wish someone would either smash it or fix it.

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The US regime gave the Chinese the virus from Fort Detrick to work on and provided the money to work on it for only one reason and that was so when they attacked China with that same virus they would have plausible deniability and could blame the victim. The bat soup/wet market/climate change/loud bang etc etc etc nonsense they have been pushing for years was simply to take away from that "COMPLETELY OBVIOUS" reality.

The US regime joked a decade earlier that they didn't have to worry about China overtaking them because they were going to give China a "cold" and people wondered what they meant and now we know. The "athletes" from Fort Detrick visited Wuhan at the exact time it all started as we now know and they spread the virus on purpose not some accident. Cotton knows this also and so is also a traitor as he is trying to get Americans, and many others killed, to cover up that attempted genocide.

We saw thousands of videos of people dropping down like flies in China right at the start and that of course was completely faked by the Chinese as they wanted the US regime to think it had worked to give them more time to consider what their response should be. Whatever that response was the response of NATO was to panic and try to get everyone jabbed against that response and that NATO response was hijacked by the eugenics tribe to kill as many Christians as possible. So then we had a military establishment who knew they had murdered and maimed their own people for the eugenics tribe and dare not own up to what they had done and so they started the war in the Ukraine by goading the Russians even further.

None of it has worked and it has all backfired on them and shall continue to do so and the only question anyone in the West should be asking is "Do we have enough?" ........ Enough lampposts. Their only winning move was not to play ............ and still as they dig the hole deeper and drag more people in with them they really honestly think they can turn this around. They may be incompetents but one has to admire their sense of humour at this point.

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If they say it was a lan leak we that it was not a lab leak.

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"Let’s just nuke everyone, actually, to play it safe."

First nukes directed at: NSA, CIA, FBI Pentagon headquarters!

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Cotton along with everyone else in the swamp is part of the corporation posing as a government (28 USC 3002 paragraph 15a)..anything to perpetuate the military industrial complex including the Communist Intelligence Agency (CIA), their continued war (foreign and domestic), and their all important federal reserve note which they must have to justify their existence - never mind that the corporate DOD was already in bed with Pharma and had contracts several years prior to the scamdemic......

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They won't get their American bullet stoppers unless they use illegals. Which may be the plan. I know I will advise any young couples I can to have their kids resist the draft. AS I am my own and many I know.

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Or it could be neither lab leak nor zoonotic…could be made up this whole time!

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The window of opportunity-the glassmakers theory of bankers greed-create your customers. Know the Rockefeller Covenant and you see the picture,

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Great article and please continue to spotlight this topic! Not sure if it was The Lord answering me, or just another awesome side effects of the meds.....but when I asked The Lord, 'after so many years of the Gain of Function research in Wuhan, why "now"'.? Why did the Over-Lords decide THIS was the time to unleash their war on the people?

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War mongering with China is probably the real reason why the CIA is admitting to this and not because of the lab leak, if in fact there even was a lab leak in China. If there was a so-called lab leak it probably came from Fort Detrick in the U.S., anyway, which in August 2019 shut down its deadly germ research operations. Hmm, how convenient, right when Covid emerged. All a part of the bigger plan!!!

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