Aug 4·edited Aug 4

"without eating a lead salad." Made me laugh, great description.

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Barbara Lerner Spectre told you what your future holds. Believe her yet?

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I would imagine that the reason more bodies aren't showing up is because Americans have learned their American justice system doesn't represent them. The Texas farmer who called the police on an immigrant body on his land sure learned his lesson!! Tied up in court while they bled him financially dry. He's having to sell his ranch. After all those years of pride in his hard labor, what does he have to show for it? Nothing.

Next time, the solution is easy. Dead body? Who cares? You're in a war, friend, and the odds are stacked against you. Quietly take your shovel and bury the body way out in the desert away from your land. Make sure a heavy plastic covers your truck bed. All good Home Depots and Lowes will quickly supply your needs. Keep a quantity on hand if you plan to stay close to the border. Load the body on the plastic. Bury deeply in the dead of night. You'll need those extremely high volume lights on your truck. You'll definitely need look-outs even if you're not close to the border.

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It's not just rural towns that wouldn't tolerate this crap. Let that kid try doing burglaries in the city of Miami, and let's see if he gets anywhere close to 70 before someone blasts him.

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Here in the west and south, (western, southern US), he wouldn't survive one home occupied burglary, at most two.

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Because you can't spell Euro-Eunuchs without the EU.

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Writing from Bavaria as always, this is for real and one can only hope that AFD win all the elections coming up in three states of eastern Germany in September otherwise Germany is falling even quicker!

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Also, Ben, I assume you have seen the Yuri Bezmenov interviews from the 1980s? He was a KGB defector and ended up teaching and writing in America. He had some powerful insights into cultural subversion. The migrant invasions seem to be well designed to demoralize host populations, it not to eventually replace them entirely. Then you get the Anarcho-tyranny angle where victims get persecuted by the government for standing up for themselves and their homeland while criminals run amok.

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Of all is the destructive trajectories happening, the intentional facilitation of migrants who can't assimilate into Western countries, has been disastrous. Worse still, this is apparently a coordinated effort by Globalist NGOs to force "diversity" on countries that already had unique cultures. here is an infamous clip of one such ringleader who says the quiet part out loud: you are going to get your "multiculturalism$ whether you like it or not: https://youtu.be/G45WthPTo24?si=WMnc7rCGjAycPW3s

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Again apologies for the typos my phone sucks and you can't edit comments

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Three dots on far right. I've never tried from a phone; that may be problematic.

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