damn that was a silly typo in the beginning. it's been fixed.

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How gay... They must be retarded...

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Homeless retarded transvestites.

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"Migrant" is trying to become the new N-word, used by migrants from around the world to the US, but unavailable to blacks or whites, let's see them eliminate it from RAP videos!

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The author of the Intercept article has nothing to say - but won't shut up saying it.

What a bore.

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I'll stick with illegals.

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The preferred term is "invaders".

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... call 'um, like I see 'um! They're criminals! They are lawless! They're selfish. They broke the law. These illegal aliens took advantage of our generosity. They flat refuse to accept any accountability, whatsoever. They should be rounded up, dragged off, summarily expelled, permanently disqualified U.S. citizenship. Period. That's that -- Samuel.

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... @#$% your pronouns! @#$% your narratives! @#$% your euphemisms! I've circled 180 degrees, back around to calling a spade, a spade! Forthright, succinct, direct without hesitation, I've found pejorative terms and phrases, "suspect" (as opposed to "person of interest"), "newsie", "democrat", "convict", "negro", "Mexican", "muzzie", "faggot", "soy-boi", "retard", "child molester", "pedophile", in particular, "illegal alien," work best getting straight to the heart of the matter. Whatever it is social engineering people don't want me calling them, only serves to strengthen my resolve, calling them the very thing they don't want me calling them. Barbara Streisand paradox, the more social engineers impress upon us arbitrary socio-political etiquette, all the more obstinant I delight, doing otherwise -- Samuel.

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... you don't like it? Go ahead. Be my guest. I am not a hard guy to find. I double dog dare you, stand on my doorstep, tell me how you think I ought to be living my life. See what happens - Samuel.

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... wholly devoid conscience, the most lawless, indifferent, hostile, unappreciative, morally bankrupt, utterly ruthless of people ever to walk God's green acre: "... illegal aliens," here in America! - Samuel.

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... on account we didn't vote for Hillary, we're bad Americans. We deserved to be punished. As such? The government in Washington DC doesn't like Main Street, America, anymore. Whacked out democrats gone berserk, they're using illegal immigrants to fight a proxy war, with their own citizens. This war of theirs, every major city here in America, is totally trashed out -- Samuel.

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I don't believe the do gooders are "social engineers". What fuels their madness is religious indoctrination of the Christian religion and the moral teachings of Jesus whether they admit it or not.Their "zealotry" is what gives them away.

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You'd be naive to convolute "social engineers" with religious zealots -- religious zealots are but one strain of social engineer, and currently their zealotry pales in comparison to the woke mob that's aggressively attempting to rewire the public psyche by dogmatically dictating "permissible" language.

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You may be absolutely right, but it seems too coincidental that the "woke's" "disgruntlement" always revolve around the weak against the strong with the "woke" portraying the weak as more virtuous.

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The term "migrant" is much too kind and can be misleading. I prefer the term alien. Alien is far more truthful since the vast majority are from cultures opposite of mine and speak an entire different language.

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