You'd be naive to convolute "social engineers" with religious zealots -- religious zealots are but one strain of social engineer, and currently their zealotry pales in comparison to the woke mob that's aggressively attempting to rewire the public psyche by dogmatically dictating "permissible" language.
You'd be naive to convolute "social engineers" with religious zealots -- religious zealots are but one strain of social engineer, and currently their zealotry pales in comparison to the woke mob that's aggressively attempting to rewire the public psyche by dogmatically dictating "permissible" language.
You may be absolutely right, but it seems too coincidental that the "woke's" "disgruntlement" always revolve around the weak against the strong with the "woke" portraying the weak as more virtuous.
You'd be naive to convolute "social engineers" with religious zealots -- religious zealots are but one strain of social engineer, and currently their zealotry pales in comparison to the woke mob that's aggressively attempting to rewire the public psyche by dogmatically dictating "permissible" language.
You may be absolutely right, but it seems too coincidental that the "woke's" "disgruntlement" always revolve around the weak against the strong with the "woke" portraying the weak as more virtuous.