Laughed many times reading this article. "The American Psycho vibes" is so spot on!! I called the Twins bullshit in September, when the sister was warpspeeded to Tucker Carlson show to give us the earthshattering knowledge about nutritious food!!! No wonder their book is a bestseller, pharma lobby paid for it to be a bestseller. The whole MAHA policy was pre-written by pharma lobbyists. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-art-of-misdirection-make-america?r=uaapz

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hey Sasha, thanks for weighing in. I've admired your work for a long while now.

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Thank you!

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I’m giving this new administration 30 days. I expect all hell to break loose, but I want heads to roll

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I read the book, exactly what others have been saying for more than a decade, two decades. Hackneyed, disappointing.

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I saw that also, Dr. Jack Kruse is a pit bull. He was this guy, Means' nemesis.

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Sounds about right. Casey Means seems similarly primitive in her understanding of nutrition, making me wonder what her motivations are.

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Yes! Take a look at her way over priced products which are not unique and have unhealthy additives that similar Walmart products contain

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There's a Kruse interview on YT where he outlines the military connection of germ warfare and the Kennedy assassination... Well worth a watch.

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I'll look at it--but man oh man is this disappointing if Ben is correct that Calley's a turd. I watched him and his sister on Tucker, Rogan, and have listened to separate podcasts with Calley alone and Casey alone--never once was I suspicious of their intentions.

I got the "Good Energy" book, haven't started it yet, but everything they both said on every podcast I've listened to actually gave me hope and optimism--like the election outcome--I have not been this optimistic about the future, well--fuck--EVER. I'm GenX, cynical by nature, but also deep down a dreamer that we can be better...

I'll listen and report back. Thanks for uncovering Ben--maybe...;)


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Dec 30Edited

I was disappointed with the book - Good Energy. I agree with the 1 and 2 star reviews on Amazon. It’s very superficial and quite dull. It could have been shortened to 25 pages. Also realized that she admits to having no education in nutrition. She admits she has no experience in nutrition - she was a surgeon who only operated on a very small area of the body. Yet, she wrote a book and comes across as an expert. Makes no sense to me. There must be an agenda.

There are much better writers with experience with nutrition. Would recommend anything by Dr. Robert Lustig. His presentation The Bitter Truth is very informative and is on YT. Found his book Metabolical to be very informative too. Although not a doctor but an investigative journalist - Gary Taubes is very detailed. He also writes on sugar.

Think Dr Tenpenny talks about food. Catherine Austin Fitts might too. Both can be found on YT.

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I made my post prior to reading the previous posts, looks like I'm the only naive one.


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Well now you're not. 😉

And don't feel bad - the world's been suckered by Big Pharma for over a century. Calley Means is as slick as an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and just another in a long line of similar slippery models. We've just become better at spotting them.

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It's interesting that he got onto Tucker Carlson's platform a while back. Is TC limited hangout on certain topics?

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I think that’s obvious by now

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This guy is such a b.s artist. Typical sales man, cann't stop talking.

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I'm glad the host kept out of it. I saw Calley looking for him to save him from Jack. I think the light bulb clicked on for him in this interview, and he let Dr. Kruse roast him alive.

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The Means kids came to our attention on TCN. She was domineering in the conversation. I hope Tucker Carlson starts to challenge some of his guests a bit more. He does have a merciful heart which is good. Also he is allowing people to speak so we can intelligently decide?

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Yeah. Journalists need to bone up on the topic they’re talking about. It’s not enough to

claim ignorance. You don’t have to be able to prove anything, but you do have to challenge the core points.

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Jack Kruse is an unbelievable juggernaut, with first-hand , real-life insights into the way-way back origins of the grand deceptions. Couple him with the courageous and incredible Whitney Webb and you have an in-the- trenches journalistic exposition of the currents and riptides shaping out nation, culture, society and world for at least a couple of centuries." Same as it ever was"-Talking Heads; " Meet the new boss; same as the old boss " - The Who. Years back, as a lowly oil & gas company revenue accountant I booked, monthly, our share of a producing property I'll call the XYZ Name-Oschner No. Whatever well. Little did I know I was jotting a name of the Darkness on my input forms. Jack opened my mind, and continues to do so, and I don't mind often being told I'm not thinking or I'm ignorant. The Bible refers in the Pauline letters to " by the renewing of your mind ". " By " is important, because it invokes the original Greek word " metanoia ": the 180- degree course correction needed to renew. Indy media and voices crying in the wilderness: open up to them, seek the reliable, coherent and consistent ones. Jack Kruse is one.

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You're a journalist who writes without a filter. Pretty impressive. Will watch vid. Thanks.

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Project Casey/Calley Means is a limited hangout to shift focus off “jabs-bad” and onto “food-bad”.

‘The Atlantic’ (yes, I know) recently observed that putting RFK Jr into HHS, instead of the Dept of Ag, is utterly pointless if his mission is to overhaul the toxic food industry.

I think the damage to medicine, to science, and to the pharmaceutical industry on the back of their Covid crime spree has been so huge, so damaging, and has smashed public trust so completely, and put Big Industry [particularly Pharma] in the cross-hairs of enough citizens that significant financial impact is not just possible, but probable (& lets face it - that's the ONLY time these rat bastards will act) that serious “counter-measures” need to be unrolled to try to claw it all back.

I think the damage is far, far bigger than what they're letting on - hence Calley Means, and hence all the sudden ranting about ‘accountability’, ‘transparency’ and ‘trust’.

A lot has changed in the 5 years since they ran the Covid scam on us. We're not the babes in the woods we were (and will never be again).

No one is questioning the toxic food message Calley Means is promoting: we're questioning his motive. And that of Trump's other pharma-allied picks.

Big Pharma have bet the farm on 100-day mRNA technology, and are building out billion dollar manufacturing facilities across the globe. And it's going to be disastrous if the plebs have lost trust and become too suspicious and too spooked to partake of it.

Calley Means and his "Operation Restore Public Trust" can't condemn the shots outright because Big Pharma are caught between a rock and a hard place: they can't admit to a harmful technology, and still promote a harmful technology, therefore "the product stays, we continue to present it as safe, we keep building the factories".

What Calley Means is doing looks exactly like what a Big Pharma lobbyist would do.

And from where I sit, it looks entirely duplicitous and nefarious.


It's also interesting that he says several times that this is a moment to capitalise on because the Public are currently undergoing an awakening in relation to health. (In other words, the Public has caught on).

"Capitalising on the moment" actually means "we need to do aggressive damage control and steer them away from holding us accountable before this spirals out of our control".

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I think Calley has been attending the Justin Trudeau school of not answering questions and obfuscating and earned himself an A+...Like like like like Jack! c'mon man!

painful to sit through

Seems obvious that this is deflection/distraction from the real problem facing the entire world.

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This Calley guy makes my skin crawl.

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That other phrase “to be honest”

That’s always an odd one to me, now that I’m gonna be honest to be honest because I wasn’t before

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Calley Means beginning the podcast with the words "To Be Honest" is a tell. The insistence on more studies being done before banning the Covid jabs is a deflection. I wouldn't trust him either...

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Means is a weasel...phony to the core. So obvious in this table "discussion." I also hadn't heard of Dr. Jack Kruse, but will definitely be looking into both doctors.

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