As Winston Churchill presciently expressed it, in his Finest Hour speech(1940):

"... But if we fail, the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age, made more sinister and perhaps more protracted by the lights of perverted science ..."

Medical science, so called, has been fundamentally perverted, even as Western Civilization has entered a new Dark Age.

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I love Churchill and as usual that quote is unbelievably accurate. Thanks much!

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Winston Churchill was a drunk and completely controlled by the Jewish banking cabal. Do some homework.

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OMG! All of human kind is tainted in various ways. But one has to look at accomplishments. Churchill was brilliant and flawed. Most of us are flawed and without that kind of brilliance. If that is all you know about Churchill you are sadly deficient in history. Blanket statements are broad brush strokes of bias without stated facts.

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Sorry to burst your bubble. Churchill dragged Britain into a war Hitler didn't want. Do your homework.



Look at the U.K. today with the flood of foreign invaders. Do you really believe that Britain won the war? People are so foolish today. Try learning something!

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Uggg. I could not keep reading that stuff. Interestingly enough, when I worked in a Childcare center during the late 70's in N.Y.C., I witnessed some interesting stuff because my childcare center happened to be several blocks up from a discreet methadone clinic. It became very clear that the same cast of characters showed up for their free drugs several times a week, and I saw this ROUTINE for YEARS! Coincidentally, quite a few were also homosexual. These are vital statistics that are hard to find. Personally, I think that the deep state wants children totally confused about sexuality because that kind of confusion takes any attention off of visible, criminal behavior in our leadership and in the "SOCIAL ENGINEERS." Hitler proved without a doubt that it takes near starvation to get man to fight back and even then, it is a smaller percentage of society that exhibits that kind of strength. Most people just ignore evidence of evil until it knocks at their door. If it knocks are your door IT IS TOO LATE! Our lesson historically was WWII and all that transpired under Hitler and other tyrants in history.

We have an abundance of evidence in TV shows like the Supernatural series, which appears to be innocent but is actually so full of propaganda it is scary. I know because I watched my daughters become completely fixated by that series. I decided to watch every single episode and the propaganda was prolific through out. Messages like family, not important. Monogamy? Why? Drinking hard alcohol is habitual in that series and believe me, camera close ups of the bottles were continuous in a high percentage of their episodes. The end result of this onslaught is CONFUSION in our youth. We pulled our daughter out of public school and home schooled. It did pay off. Not fully, but they would have been much worse without our intervention. The one that went to public school the longest did not do as well. The family in America is under full throttle assault through tainted TV, tainted educational materials, tainted books and so on. Then top it off with a serving of X-rated, full penetration sexual videos, under the guise of sex education, in you're local grade school and at a young age. Now you have as a direct result a tortured and confused soul. That is the state of a modern grade school education. Sorry, but as a parent to investigate and see what is really going on in our public schools is beyond degraded and terribly heart breaking... Sex education should ONLY be taught by parents in the safety and privacy of their own home. Above all, the students need to understand that SEX IS NOT CASUAL. It is a very loving act between parties that love each other. Period.

Sorry this is so long. You can tell, we went through terrible times with our beloved children because of this mass indoctrination that is PURE EVIL!

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Stopping child mutilation surgery is a cause worth going to war for. Nations have gone to war for much less.

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So, bespoke (if non-functional), made-to-measure hermaphrodites.

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... this whacked-out, crazy election slices and dices one way: women voting with their brain, women voting with their vergina; guyz voting with their dicks, guyz voting with their brain. For men voting their dicks, women voting their vergina, it's Willy Brown's blowjob girl, and Tampon Tim. Here's hoping someday soon majority of our fellow America's awaken one morning, using their brains - Samuel.

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Meh, they were just jealous that women got to do triples and they couldnt.

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Actually, I once read an account intimately detailing what happens to create a vagina in a male. I wanted to make sure that I understood exactly what was occurring without assuming I did. The artificially manufactured vagina is small and NEVER has the capability of orgasm let alone multiple orgasms. The "newly renovated woman" actually achieves orgasm via the same organ or method the male uses. Evidently, men have a small gland (I think just above the penis) which stimulates and creates their orgasm. So, the "woman" with a new vagina is stimulated to achieve orgasm through this gland and not because "she" has a normal vagina...which I assume, from past experience, must link up with the clitoris and maybe have nerve endings. I could be wrong...don't know much about these affairs. The doctor supporting the surgery said that most guys weren't large enough to note any difference. The doc said the artificial vagina was 3-4 inches, and I guess an "understanding" partner would somehow stimulate the gland above where his/her penis was. Of course, a weirdo with penis and vagina is achieving orgasm by the same route--via the male gland. The vagina has no response. He's pretending he's a woman and enjoying a female orgasm(s), but little does he know how truly he is shortchanged. I think he's a male who just likes being dominated so he pretends to be a woman. They'll just never know how a woman experiencing multiple orgasms is literally on fire with desire. Too bad.

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If they want to be a woman so badly, why keep the penis? Fakers. All of them.


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I agree, Freeq. I can only surmise that these are extremely sexually immature people. I would guess that they can't fulfill their sexual potential and look to increase themselves physically for that reason.

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Much like men pretending to be women in sports.

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For the love of God, pull your children out of these "schools".

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Joseph Mengele deserves an apology.

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You finally wrote something I can't stomach to read. That's not to say you shouldn't just that it's past my ability to stomach. The whole story.

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Just wow. I have so many questions about this. I mean, physiologically speaking, is there room for that down there? Does it get in the way of, I don't know, bowels, bones, the prostate (Can they still keep that too?) or something else? Who would want this glorified deep piercing and why? I'd assume it requires a lot of maintenance...

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It really is as if the lid has been ripped off the asylum in Hell.

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I never dreamed in my lifetime I would see souls wearing a human dress stoop so low that they surpass the lowest of all animals.

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