Thank you for the comedic chuckle of the absurdity exposing the truth about the Transgender movement. I believe there is sufficient evidence that the hormonal changes and physical changes cause violent reactions in most of the transgendered when they realize they have bought into the giant lies, and their life is not any better than it was in their original gender... Imagine being on the receiving end of bein a gay male and put into a female prison... The absurdity of it all... Peace...

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I don't know if I will be able to respond if anyone replies because I have had nothing but trouble with Stacks this summer.

1st all my subs stopped for a month and were replaced with all my unsubs.

Then my subs came back, but when I try to post, I usually get first a msg to click an inbox link to verify, and after that comes a msg to update my profile and when I do, it rejects on my handle saying it is taken, which it is, by the guy it just sent an email to!

But it doesn't budge even if I change the handle and I can't change the email because I don't have any Stacks attached to a different email.

Yesterday they sent a long survey about my new Stack that doesn't exist and that I never applied for. I filled it out, using the space next to "other" to explicitly explain as above.

Just now, I got another mail from Substack again congratulating me on my new non existent Stack and specifically asking about monetization and bragging up their program.

I have posted this on a lot of Stacks and Notes but no one has any suggestions to resolve this.

Finally, my comment on the essay is that Brits and anyone exposed to that sort of thing become inured to it and it becomes humdrum and thus good men do nothing.

I realize Britain still has a few good men but I believe the above is why they face " too much resistance from behind", i. e. their fellow ethnic Brits.

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This constant assigning of the violent behavior of men to women by the use of the most correct pronoun drives me bonkers.

I had a friend in the 90s, a transsexual man, and even after the hormone treatments and surgeries he got so angry at another driver that he jumped on top of his car and banged on it (with his purse :-). Later, after prostituting himself for a while, he became a madam and imprisoned prostitutes from another country by confiscating their passports (needless to say we were no longer friends by this time) and finally ended up in prison. Men’s prison.

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*incorrect pronoun. It seems spellcheck is woke, too.

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They all have their quirks and they all are devolved.

All any of them need is to stop doing insertions without authorization, but they will never do that because they want to drive us to voice so they can eavesdrop at will.

Mine is Microsoft and doesn't do the pronoun msg

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The bigger the acronym the bigger the degeneration!


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No, the suffixed part is ABCCNNCBSNBCMSNBC, but your point remains valid.

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That why the ‘+’ is there… For the rest of the shit!

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LMAO. It took me the full 7 paragraphs to grasp the sword stabbing story's relevance to the overall theme...😆

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Lucky they tell the truth at all.

Where I live, for decades they would not say if a criminal was Black, even if they were searching for him. They would just say how tall, weight, dark hair, brown eyes.

Now they do and it's all Black all the time.

No doubt why they suppressed it so long, but people got tired of it, especially once it got so ridiculous it included dangerous criminals at large.

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As a member of the 'aubergine emoji' minority I find your article exclusive and inflammatory...

Pronouns 'purple, purple, massive purple fruit'.

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