Karine Jean-Pierre doesn't ramble, she mimics and parrots. "Threat to democracy" and anything else her masters tell her to parrot is subterfuge to hide what's really going on underneath the surface. Donald Trump is a threat for one reason and one reason only: He is a wealthy, attractive, white, heterosexual male- the epitome of the bourgeoise master class. Worse, he is proud of his lot in life and no matter how slave Karine Jean-Pierre tries to enslave and ensnare him, he always manages to escape guilt free. The more he escapes (especially the assasination attempts) the more flustered at their inability to cage and ensare him.

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As I understand it not a single court actually permitted the evidence of electoral criminality to be heard and of course the SCOTUS should have stepped in and done its duty and heard the evidence but Roberts was cowering under his desk demanding no-one touch it with a bargepole and now they are coming for him.

"First they came for JFK, Oswald and Officer Tippet and I did nothing.




We all know where this ends because of the cowardice of the SCOTUS.

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Long long before Trump was on our political scene, the Dems have used projection, or more accurately pathological projection onto their opponents. On the positive side it made it so very easy to know exactly what they were up to simply by looking at what they were was accusing their opponents of. That Communist playbook tactic has been their stock and trade for decades, and their stooges dutifully report these projections and their useful idiots believe them. Many love to wax nostalgically about the “ old” Democrat party being different blah blah blah. No, they weren’t , they were always soft selling communist ideas to a much more naive public that did not as easily see it for what it was. It was effective because we see that what is now thought to be centrist rhetoric would have been considered quite left a few decades ago. They effectively got the “camels nose under the tent” and now he has morphed into the 800 lb. Gorilla in the room. Peter may not be the hero conservative journalist you would hope for, but he does manage to rattle the DEI labradoodle spokesmop (all your wonderful descriptors) to the point of blubbering quite often, which is more than than anyone else who is allowed in the room does. They are stuck with her and her colossal incompetence because of the very fact that she is a total package DEI hire they installed as a grand virtue signal to their useful idiots.

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Trash, that's all sho is!

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Whenever I listen to the left, I just automatically frame what they say as pure projection. They always impute onto their opponents exactly as they are doing on steroids. Then, you can sit back in amazement at their own tone deafness.

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Projection is a standard psychopolitical warfare measure of the Communists. It is an aspect of the imparting of "revolutionary truth", which constitutes the communication of cognitive dissidence inducing falsehoods.

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