THE major problem is trying to sell the Cackler, (notice she is not doing so much of that anymore),

is trying to sell a old tired desert cactus plant like is is supposed to be a rose bush.

All the folks KNOW BETTER and the DNC media / propaganda machine busily spending the few hundred millions on converting the Cackler to a rose bush while assuredly paying themselves VERY WELL could care less about the reality perception of the Deplorables in the fly over country.

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My husband is a white man, and a finer man I've never met. I'm a POC, and I'm sick and damn tired of people trying to denigrate him because of his race. I'm also sick and damn tired of people who have never even met me or him, telling me how I'm being oppressed by him (yes, this has happened in person, by some twat I didn't even know). GFYs.

We aren't huge DJT fans, but JFC, the alternative is a nightmare.

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That video and its language are so pitifully and obviously pandering to some 'idea' of a white dude stereotype. Who do they think we are? Personally I am excited not to vote.

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what a pathetic bunch of cucks

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Nailed it. Fascinating to imagine what future historians (if there are any who can write) will record about this period of the decline and fall of the 1st American Republic. It seems we read the notes concerning the collapse of Rome & decided we could do it worse & much faster given our technology. No matter who wins this November it's pretty clear a collapse is coming, the big question is who & what will follow the crash? As Martin Armstrong writes, Republics always degenerate into corrupt oligarchies & we are in that final stage of "financialization" that Sir John Glubb described precedes the end of empire in his book "The Fate of Empires". You are doing a fine job chronicling some of the most bizarre events in our collapse and this male/racial charade is perfect example of the insanity of our times. Stay safe & continue your work, we appreciate your commentaries!

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I assume that, the only guys who would put up with this nonsense, are those who need to get their leg over and there's nothing else available.

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Threw me a curve there!

I read the headline quickly & briefly thought that the U was an O

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The "White Dudes for Harris" are hostages who have developed a psychological bond with their captors. The phenomenon is known as Stockholm Syndrome. The victims develop sympathy for the causes and goals of their captors ceasing to view them as the threat that they truly are. This may afford the white dudes some time to figure out what in the hell they're going to do now that they're surrounded by the enemy.

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Man, fuck Chris Crass. That asshole wrote one of the worst books I've ever read in my life.

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When they keep telling you how inferior they think themselves to be. Remember to take the time to enjoy it.

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There's a popular meme showing Marc, Engels, Lenin, & Marx with the caption "White Dudes for Harris".

It's funny and all - but the idea that Kamalamadingdong is a Bolshevik is pretty silly. Comrade Lenin had contempt for "leftists", so much that he wrote a book about it. He'd have arrested the Cackler. Likewise Comrade Stalin - off to the gulag with her.

So yes, implying Kamala is a Communist is insulting to real historical Bolsheviks.

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