Am I the only one tired of society being forced to engage in mental gymnastics to coddle mentally ill people? These people are sick and should have our sympathy and assistance to find ways to return to normal. Beyond that I'm not buying their BS. If you're a dude and commit a crime....you're off to a male prison. Presumably there they'll be very popular. Seems like a win-win to me. Folks have to understand that all of this is designed to breakdown the family unit and undermine our culture. Don't believe me, study communism. Mark my words, next you'll see a push to make pedophilias normal....how are people going to square that peg? Pax

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When the American Psychiatric Association removed Homosexuality from the DSM-11 in 1973 with impunity this is the end result. Evil is always impotent. It's only when the good stand by and say nothing as in this case can evil have a chance to grow.

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I actually agree with Kamala on this one! If these perps want to be castrated, give them what they ask for on that very day. Bring in some rancher to do it with one of those gelding irons. Broadcast the operation and scenes from the recovery, in technicolor. Should be very educational.

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... outstanding, a must see, RFK's veep, she knocked the ball out of the park, with this one:


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