Thanks, Ben. Sadly, Trump/Vance are Kamala/Gates Globalist chumps working to destroy humanity through adherence with the positions and programs of the UN Death Machine.

I have cross posted your piece on DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com.

I invite you and your audience to take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge to pass the critically important Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/ S 3428) now.

It's fast, it's easy and it WILL work.

Then the hard work of rebuilding society from the 140 years of intentional damage sustained in the process of bringing us to this point of imminent bio-digital convergence and destruction can actualy begin.

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Dr. Laibow,

I wrote previously encouraging everyone to sign the Act and I might again in the future: https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/covid-roundup-disengaging-entirely?utm_source=publication-search

Thanks for the crosspost.

I respect the work you do and have followed it for years now.

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Here's my first-hand concern with VP Kamala: The fact people are coming in from other places, on VP Kamala watch, who have killed young women, as well as some, being sexually assaulted is what goes against most people's principles and safety: Rachel Morin, Ruby Garcia, Jocelyn Nungaray, and Laken Riley to name a few. MeToo was a strong movement, then the ball was dropped. If people withdrew support for VP Kamela due to these issues, most likely she would do what she could to resolve these situations. I'm asking all, who read this, to take action to do so now, will you?????? In addition, tell her to give Mitrice Richardson's memory justice: https://facebook.com/events/lasd-headquarters-211-w-temple-st-los-angeles-ca-90012/reinvestigate-mitrice-richardson-alleged-murderrape-coverup-another-suspected-la/189258825128990. See here: Mitrice's dad stated this in the LA Times: “Kamala Harris is a phony,” Michael Richardson said. “We don’t need people like that leading us.” https://latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-mitrice-richardson-closed-20170202-story.html (Mitrice Documentary - I'm a producer by donation: https://pro.imdb.com/title/tt3681538/filmmakers)

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Current World Population:


The New Assassins’ Goal:

500 Million

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The chosen ones, so it shall be written so it shall be done

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They are brazen now because the Spike protein is virtually inescapable now, unless you know the antidote. They know it is just waiting out the clock while it does its' job.

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Of course she's firmly on team-Depop. Ben, check out this thread on Kamala Harris repeating the phrase "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." James Lindsay writes:

"This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that's easily seen."

Very weird.


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yeah bro ive seen her say that dozens of times. it's creepy asf and it certainly isn't anything she came up with herself

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Sierra Club just says it outright. But none of their members seems to be volunteering to depart early...

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I wrote an article in regards Your response to My comment on Your last article... Would love to hear Your thoughts:

Response to Dr. Laibow and Additional Info (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/response-to-dr-laibow-and-additional

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that's interesting. it reminds me of the philosophy and goals of the Venus Project, which I assume you are familiar with

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Yes, very much so, and even tried to have a discussion with Jacque before He passed, getting as far as one of His immediate People, who told Me that all Human choices would be relegated to preference - this color or that, this flavor or that, etc. - and all the "important" choices would be made by AI. I was aghast! So, no... Not TVP.

BTW, I clicked an email link from Dr. Laibow, and replied here thinking this was Her work.

The takeaway I was hoping for is the fact that We CANNOT get the appointees in the corporation to do ANYTHING if the owners don't want it done, and They want a "one world order." Our power lies in consent, in withdrawing it in large enough numbers.

Begging the masters to treat Us slaves better will not work.

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Clown world rolls on...weeeee!


Latest from Judas goat Alex Jones. Note the Jesus Christ pose of Trump.


I still argue there will be another attempt (hoax) involving Trumpalump. A Biblical narrative they are following. Can't be too long now. Much much more shenanigans shall ensue.

Politics is emotional professional wrestling

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Well she is in favour of abortion and does not have any kids, you could call that honesty if nothing else

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You're really as twisted and delusional as your overlords Zero Hedge and Trump. If you knew even the tiniest bit of biology you would understand the concept of "carrying capacity"....the ability of an ecosystem to sustain a limited number of creatures. You would also note that yesterday was the 2nd hottest day ever recorded following the day before which was THE hottest ever recorded. You would know the empirical FACT that human produced CO2 is at record highs and the actual science behind greenhouse gas warming is well understood. But no...you would, like Zero Hedge and Trump, prefer to spin conspiracy theories and bury your head in the sand. I'll bet you love jesus too...am I right?

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

But depopulation is required if this planet is to have a future. We have to depopulate it of people like Harris, Obama, Blair, Bush, Biden, Cheney, Pompeo, Gates, Soros, Netenyahu, the pope, Johnson, Cameron, Starmer etc etc etc and of course especially of those who control them from behind the curtain or this planet is doomed as far as humanity is concerned.

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Eugenicists should lead by example...

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G'day Rima, is there a follow up interview with Maria Zeee re; the anomalies with the Trump shootout? Maria avoided your

Vance comment, apparently needs to do some research, hmmm.

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It’s a mob of misfits.

They each need to cover for one another

For the lies that they need others

To believe to be true about them.

That’s the pact:

“I’ll provide cover for your lie, if, and as long as, you cover for my lie.”

Every breath is lived in fear that any of the lies, if exposed, would bring the entire playhouse tumbling down.

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