These two are the perfect example of the cabal flexing their power. This duo is the cabals’ giant FU to the rest of the world i.e. us useless breeders/eaters. They are showing us they can and will install anyone they wish.

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Simply mood music for the total collapse of the US as it is sucked dry by the Fed to blow away in the wind. The Whore of Babylon comes to mind.

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Harris has a slave mentality so she sees big powerful people as the enemy who must be put down. She believes the big powerful people got where they are off the backs of little people like her. Letitia James is of the same mentality. They use the moral teachings of their religion Christianity- specifically the notion that the weak and diseased are more virtuous than the big powerful people in a twofold fashion- first as a mask to hide their envy of their betters and second as a weapon to punish their betters.

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LMAO!!!: "Scoff if you might, but if sleeping your way to the top were so easy, there wouldn’t be streetwalkers; she’s got undeniable talent."

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Joe Biden was born in 1942. "Boomer" refers to those born during the baby boom that followed World War II. That war officially ended on September 2, 1945. It is generally agreed that the baby boom began in 1946 and continued until 1964. This means that Joe Biden is not a "boomer".

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Here, the VP's IQ is estimated at 113--the right side of the distribution, but just barely. Seems accurate to me. https://pumpkinperson.com/2020/08/14/iq-of-kamala-harris-vs-barack-obama/

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The Babylon Bee or MAD Magazine come to mind! Or from decades old Supercycle, "Drug Testing: You mean to make sure everybody's getting enough?"

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