Woooo Ben, you said a mouth full of it! This is exactly right. However, I have NO faith congress will get anything done about it, except maybe put the seeds of at least questioning Walz’s CCP connections in peoples minds. After all we have a fraudulent treasonous criminal inhabiting the WH that has taken millions from the CCP with the aid of his trusty bag man Hunter. Congress is feckless, spineless, balless and most of all complicit . No more lobbyists and no more career politicians. It is a rare individual that has the moral fiber to resist the temptations of the swamp. They are however, fairly good at grandstanding during these investigations .

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Well said, glad you did not mince words. Could the swamp have picked anyone worse as VP candidate ? That’s rhetorical, of course 😒

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The Root Cause of Corruption is Incumbency.

It seems too late to get it done, but instead of not voting and handing the country over, we need an all new Congress comprised of 1st time citizen Senators and Reps. None with political experience or traditional Swamp Qualifications like Attorney or Rich Businessman.

Only a group such as that, with no chance of re election as incumbents will ever get serious and cut off the Gravy Train, and slash the budget clean of parasitic programs.

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Walz might find out how the 2nd amendment works if a child is removed from a parent because the parent refuses to allow mutilation of a minor.

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Walz might find out how the 2nd amendment works if a child is removed from a parent because the parent refuses to allow mutilation of a minor.

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