Fuck 'em, says Hungary!

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I got a better idea. Send them the fxxk back where they came from and bill them for the trip.

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Great idea.

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I've been following this issue. I hope Hungary does so. I hope Orbán's able to load a 100 buses. A big, big change of attitude occurred when Texas started busing illegals to other cities. A BIG change in attitude.

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Yeah I remember Eric Adams on his high horse whenTexas threatened to do this. Then they called his bluff and now Eric Adams has been begging anyone who will listen to save him from his own doing. And despite their posturing, Brussels will be crying uncle in no time too. The fact that they think he's going to pay their fine shows you what a fantasy they are living. Orban can't do this soon enough for everyone's sake.

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Stop threatening to do these things and actually do these things.

There is no way the EU commission can be seen to be preventing these doctor, scientist and engineer gimmigrants moving to Brussels and camping down in a tent in the rubber-stamp parliament free coffee room if they so desire.

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When the politicians and bureaurats have to come in direct contact with the results of their insanity, they tend to change. Nothing else will work.

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Right? "Irregular migrants"????

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If politics were a ruler the left would be the first half inch which is why anything to the right of them looks so extreme. The right has to learn that they actually have the numbers discounting their idiot kids and neighbours who have been brainwashed by the system while they were busy humping their iPhones and passing cat memes on Disgracebook. Time to pitch in and stand up against the nonsense. Start by tossing political correctness and feel the freedom of real expression. Take your political shock collar off and throw it in the toilet and have a smoke if you got 'em and a set still left in your fxxking pants. I can't believe so many of my generation are so fxxked in the head by propaganda that they went in and rolled up their sleeve and got an injection of unknown substance stuck in their arm and the arms of their kids while crying over how many cases there were that day on the damned weather channel. Fxxking disgrace... People need to be more like Hungarians because it just make more fxxking sense without political correctness. Would you leave the door to your house open like a border letting anyone wander the hell in who wanted to?

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Close the border. Exit the EU. Align with BRICS. Before a HungarianTwotier PM is installed.

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You don't just have to say it, you have to do it too! Then show them the way to Leyen's office! And immediately leave this crap called the EU! However, all "migrants" must still be transported to Brussels!

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