Anytime you see Hillary Clinton & Rachel Maddow having a 'sit down' together, you better roll your britches legs up because the sh** is fixin' to get deep.

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I grab my waders.

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While reading your article, I kept remembering The Craw Clinton smiling and making uranium business deals with Russia. Might have been when her hubby was president? Someone should make a compilation of those vids of her doing deals with the devil.

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She’s been a criminal since her early days fixing evidence during watergate but the uranium deal I believe you are referring to occurred when she was Secretary of State.

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"Russian Disinformation!"

This would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

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It’s still funny. These horrible people can’t wreck my cheery disposition. Laughing at them is a great weapon. The Devil hates to be mocked.

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You are of course, correct!

Listen to your Granny, children!

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I have 6 grandchildren and they all pay attention. I’m not raising a family; I’m raising the next generation. They are learning what it was like to live in 1930s Germany and how to survive and prevail.

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Granny Snakebite, all of us, the entire planet, could use your advice! You are a great American, any words of wisdom from you will be appreciated. Another grandmother gives us such words, the great KW, her wisdom is unparalleled.

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Great article, of course you realize that you are probably on their list .

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Anyone who isn’t on their list is probably a traitor.

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Hillary should be the first to have criminal penalties for all of her lies! She's the deplorable!

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She is still so bitter about Obama stealing her "legacy" and now the unaccomplished, dimwit Harris is going to run off with what was supposed to be hers: the first female POTUS. All those years she fought for "equality" for the downtrodden only to have these two blacky's steal what should have been hers.

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Misinformation, as in that Trump was an illegitimate president because of Russian interference?

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Take my last name...change the first vowel and drop the last vowel. That's what Hillary is.

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Both of Maddow and Clinton are insane. If a law like this passes, this will allow them and their ilk to sue any one and we will lose the freedom of speech through lawfare.

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Haha... nah we need to hold politicians accountable for their constant Lies and internal collusion, nevermind their public/private partnership. Enough of pretending individuals in the American public is who is not being held accountable.

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Spot on, Ben! Overcoming the planned rigging of the 2024 election is the only way to stop this from happening. I published a post on the same topic a few days ago. https://open.substack.com/pub/garysuess/p/freedom-of-speech-is-on-the-ballot?r=wtgzi&utm_medium=ios

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Isn't that self-indicting?

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And let me be the first to congratulate you Witch Hillary on your new 100 year prison term for spewing out endless misinformation, lies, disinformation, propaganda and hate. You are number one!

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