It must be mortifying for the thousands of useful idiots like Cuomo AND useful idiot doctors (of all people) to now have to concede that millions of lay people, with no medical training but a good sense of ominous gut feeling and a mind curious enough to go in search of information, got it right 3 years ago.

We weren't "scared of needles", we weren't "anti-social" or "rejecting authority" while waving freedom flags. We didn't want it BECAUSE WE LOOKED and what we found was disturbing.

Everyone else just got swept up in fear, fervour and delusion.

The mass Global response, identical in every country, should have given them a clue that there was coordinated pre-planning fuckery afoot, but it didn't even register.

Each and every one of us had the opportunity; we have the digital equivalent of a Library of Alexandria in our hands.

"In view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent".

~ Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, pg 7

And they led us ALL over a cliff.

I will never forgive them for that.

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I've lost track of the hugh numbers of young and healthy people dying daily.

I tried to find out if popular young Christian singer Mandesa got the clot shot before she died unexpectedly, but there is a major cover up while the dumbed down sheeple now have a 2 minute attention span if that.

The elite get away with genocide easily. Former MLB Star Sean Burroughs Dies Suddenly Aged 43, Had Heart Attack at Son’s Little League Game.,.. Will we ever know if he was another victim of Pfizer.Gov.

"But, after the absolute technocratic hell these people have not only abided but cheerleaded over the last four years, I’m not inclined to countenance my better angels."

Keyword "Hell" We are in that dispensation now. The time of grace and mercy has ended and death angels are very busy everywhere.

""The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."

Psalm 9:17

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May 14th 2024 Plannedemic 3.0 is in Effectt: If they test a Cow Patty with a fake PCR test or some Chicken Poo, they will lockdown your city, kill all your animals and vaccinate you with poisons for Bird Flu, Checken Flu, Cow Flu and 150 other mandatory vaccines as part of the UN’s Vaccination Agenda 2030. Is bird flu spreading in YOUR state? CDC launches new dashboard so you can track where H5N1 is rising in wastewater https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13417463/bird-flu-dashboard-wastewater-cdc.html Plannedemic 3.0: WHO Circle Jerking back to the Bird Flu Hoax ft Kill All Pets, Ban All Animals (Just like they do with the Chickens) with fake bird-flu! To Force Pandemic Treaty by May 10th. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plannedemic-30-circle-jerking-back?initial_medium=video

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I'd be more willing to forgive if he said "I can't believe they let TV personalities and politicians actually get the bioweapon -- how come Trudeau got the fake shot and not me?"

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Using the PCR kit I can also do anything!

From one idiocy into another...


The ONLY common thing is the Herds Idiocy.

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Thanks, Ben.

My view, for what it's worth, is that whatever resources this world eventually loses, it will never run out of seff-serving tosspots.

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